A pageview occurs when a user's browser executes Javascript (JS) for a web page.
JS is a programming language that azerbaijan phone number library runs on the browser side (client side) of the web experience. When JS is triggered for a web page, Google Analytics records a page view. Bots typically do not execute JS, which prevents them from recording page views.
What is the Difference Between a Google Analytics Session and a Page View?
What is a session in Google Analytics(5)
Page views are the number of times users click on a single URL. This means you may have viewed multiple pages in a single session.
For example:
If a user comes to your site and views seven pages before exiting, that would be seven page views in one session.
If the person returns to check out three more pages, that would be another session and ten page views for that user.

What is the Difference Between a Session and a Unique Pageview in Google Analytics?
If a user visits multiple pages on your website before leaving, these count as page views that constitute a session. However, when a user reloads a page or presses the back button to revisit a previous page, the page is still recorded as a page view, but not as a unique page.
a user lands on a specific page in a single session. If the person comes back to your site and revisits a page, it counts as a unique pageview because it’s a new session. Having more pageviews than unique pageviews is usually a good thing. It means your page is a reference/go-to resource.