How to End an Email Professionally (Examples + Tips)

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How to End an Email Professionally (Examples + Tips)

Post by batasakas »

Crafting an appropriate ending to your email can be tricky, but it’s an integral part of writing professional emails.

Your ending can impact how the recipient remembers your email and can determine whether they respond to it.

Fortunately, by learning how to end an email denmark phone number material professionally, you can ensure that your professional correspondence leaves a positive impression on the recipients. This, in turn, boosts your chances of getting the right responses.

In this article, I’ll explain the importance of a good professional email closing and cover four sign-offs you could use and four you should avoid. I’ll also go over how to end a professional email and offer four tips on writing the perfect closing to your email.

Finally, I’ll discuss a powerful email companion you can use right now.


Further Reading:

Check out my guide on how to start an email.
Also, discover how to schedule an email in Gmail.
This article contains:
(Click on a link below to jump to a specific section)

Why Is the Closing of a Professional Email Important?
Four Email Sign-offs to Use
Four Email Sign-offs to Avoid
How to End an Email Professionally in 3 Steps
4 Practical Tips to Perfect Your Professional Email Closing
The Ideal Email Companion You Can Use Today
Let’s get started.

Why Is the Closing of a Professional Email Important?
Your email closing can determine whether or not the recipient responds to your email and can influence how they respond to it.

This phenomenon can be explained using the ”peak-end rule”.

According to the peak-end rule, people judge and recall an experience based on how it ends. Going by that logic, what a recipient thinks about your email closing impacts how they remember and feel about your entire email.

For example, a sloppy, typo-ridden closing paragraph can leave recipients unmotivated to follow through or respond. On the other hand, a well-written, professional closing can leave them with a good impression, increasing the likelihood that they’ll reply to your email.

As a result, you must take the email closing seriously and do it the right way.

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Now that you’ve seen the importance of proper email closings let’s check out some compelling email sign-offs and explore when to use them.

Four Email Sign-offs to Use
Here are some of the best email sign-offs to use in your professional email:

1. ”Best”
While some people simply end their email communication with the word ”Best”, you can also write it as ”Best wishes”, ”Best regards”, etc. In fact, we think best regards is quite possibly the ultimate email sign-off.

The closing example ”Best” is a safe bet for most emails, especially if it’s the first time you’re writing to someone. It’s a neutral sign-off that works well for both formal emails and personal emails.

2. ”Regards”
”Regards” is another common closing example that you’ll spot in business emails. Like ”Best”, this is a neutral and straightforward sign-off that presents you as a formal well-wisher.

You can also slightly modify this sign-off to sound more friendly — for example, ”Warm regards”, ”Kind regards”, or even ”Warmest regards”.

However, avoid using a shortened form like ”Rgds”.
Remember, it’s still business communication, not a personal text message.
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