But to make your marketing effective, he suggests, "The other kind of marketing, the effective kind, is about understanding our customer's world view and desires so we can connect with them" ~ Seth Godin.
If you are nodding your head right now, agreeing that you need to understand customer's world view to do effective marketing, you should be investing time & effort to learn & implement WhatsApp marketing for your business — because your customers are present on WhatsApp and they want to be contacted there instead of on emails or calls where they hate getting interrupted.
DelightChat is a WhatsApp Business Marketing Solution and oman mobile phone number list has helped multiple ecommerce businesses scale using WhatsApp marketing which makes us qualified enough to give you a quick crash course on it.
Learn about types of WhatsApp marketing, get inspired by super successful campaigns we've listed below, swipe some templates for promotions and learn how to build your WhatsApp marketing strategy — all in this post.
Dive in!
Table of Contents
What is WhatsApp Marketing?
4 Key Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing
2 Types of WhatsApp Marketing Messages You Can Send
How to Send WhatsApp Broadcast to 100,000 Customers a Day
Examples of WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns
WhatsApp Promotional Messages Templates & Examples
Strategy to Launch WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns
WhatsApp Business API: How Much Does It Cost?
WhatsApp Marketing Resources
Next Steps
What is WhatsApp Marketing?
WhatsApp marketing is persuading someone to take action towards your business— following
your brand on social media, giving testimonials, making a purchase, referring friends — through WhatsApp messages.
Examples of WhatsApp marketing by an ecommerce brand:
WhatsApp marketing is most effective with B2C businesses, especially in countries such as India, where a significant part of the population is yet not proficient in using emails, websites, or complex ordering systems.
4 Key Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing
WhatsApp was launched as a tool for personal communication, but the growing popularity of the tool, its ease of use, and the responsiveness of customers make it useful for marketing purposes. And that's why WhatsApp launched special tools like API, WhatsApp Business App, and WhatsApp Business API to make it easy for a business to send, manage & track their communication with prospects or customers.
No Spam Folder, No ignored messages
Email inbox is heavily guarded by spam filters that sometimes block genuine messages from reaching your audience.
SMS comes along in-built with any mobile phone you buy, but When was the last time you sent an SMS or acted on one from a brand? While SMS is cheap, it's not the top choice to communicate unless you are in a no-internet-data zone.
That's why WhatsApp marketing is an efficient channel for reaching your customers. Your messages won't be stopped from getting delivered.
Increase conversions & thus higher revenue
There are over 487 million WhatsApp users in India alone, making it the leading country in terms of WhatsApp audience size. That's because it's simple, nice, and user-friendly. Everyone from a young kid to an old homemaker can use it without any hand-holding. Try asking a commoner to use email; you will be scoffed.
While email largely superseded postal communications, businesses know that today, large numbers of emails never get opened; by contrast, 80% of messages sent via WhatsApp are seen within five minutes. (source)
When your message reaches your audience and gets opened, it increases the chances of them taking action. And thus, you get more engagement & revenue.
Increased trust & loyalty from customers
Customers feel that WhatsApp is a secure and credible channel. They want a quick and easy way to communicate with businesses but not by putting private information on unsecured channels.
WhatsApp has discussed its end-to-end encryption feature to great lengths, promoting it as a channel that can be trusted to share information. This builds confidence in customers that no one is snooping on their conversation with you.
WhatsApp also validates the authenticity of your business account. Customers are shown a message that they are interacting with the official business account of your brand.
Flexibility to choose from multiple message formats (Text, Image, Voice, Video, and more!)
WhatsApp allows you to send text, images, videos, or PDFs. That covers all major formats of communication.
Want to send your restaurant's menu or a catalog of your designs? Use PDF.
Want to give an update about delivery? Go for a text message.
Have an upcoming event? Announce the launch with a short video.
Need to explain a complex process? Send screenshots and images.
Add a human touch to your conversations by adding emojis
For an even richer & interactive experience for your customers, use live video, voice note, or call functionality. It will help resolve the customers' queries more understandably.
2 Types of WhatsApp Marketing Messages You Can Send
With Whatsapp, you can send two broad types of marketing messages — Broadcast messages & Automated messages.
Broadcast messages:
A WhatsApp message that is sent to multiple people in your subscriber list at once, with just one click, is called a broadcast message. Recipients will see the message in their private chat with you and will be able to reply back to start a 1:1 conversation with your brand.
If you don't use WhatsApp business API, you will be able to send a broadcast message only to those contacts who've saved your numbers. Not just that, you can't send it to more than 256 people at a time. If you have a list of 10,000 people, that would be about 40 lists! There's no analytics or contact export functionality.
So basically, it doesn't look scalable unless…
…you use WhatsApp business API & WhatsApp templates. With those, you can send a broadcast to anyone who has opted-in to receive a WhatsApp message from you, send it to 10,000 customers at a time and even know how many people opened and acted on your message.
Use a WhatsApp broadcast message when you are:
Running site-wide offers
Launching a new product
Sharing tips, or content valuable for your audience
Send update regarding any technical issues
Examples of broadcast messages
Example 1
"Hi, there! Next week, we have a 15% discount on all types of bags. Let me know if you'd like to get early access 24 hours before the sale opens to the public by replying 'Yes' to this message.
Example 2

"Hi. We are currently experiencing technical issues with the payment system. Please use 'Pay later' or 'Cash on delivery' to make any immediate purchase. We will let you know when the issue is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience!"
Automated messages:
Messages that are sent to people based on a certain event or action taken by them on the website or on WhatsApp chat with you are called automated messages. They are sent automatically, without you having to press 'send' each time a message is to be sent.
A welcome message — a message sent immediately after someone signs to receive messages from you on WhatsApp — is a great starting point for implementing automated messages. It makes a good first impression and warms the recipient to receive WhatsApp communication from your brand.
Example of a welcome message sent by an ecommerce brand:
You don't have to scratch your head thinking about how to write a welcome message that would enhance your brand image; we've created a collection of the best WhatsApp Greeting Message Templates for you.
Types of WhatsApp automated messages you can send:
Automatically reply to customer's WhatsApp messages
Automated COD Order verification messages
Automated Abandoned Cart Recovery via WhatsApp
How to Send WhatsApp Broadcast to 100,000 Customers a Day
WhatsApp launched the WhatsApp Business API in 2018 to help businesses communicate with customers at scale.
Businesses need to get their number verified through WhatsApp Business Solution Partners(BSP) & use a platform to access all the features that WhatsApp provides with its API.
DelightChat is one such partner & platform provider.
Here's how DelightChat helps you upload contacts, schedule/send a broadcast to them and track the campaign results in a few easy steps.
Step 1: Create broadcast
Login to DelightChat. Go to WhatsApp Marketing >Broadcast. In the top right corner, click on the 'Create New Broadcast' button.
Step 2: Upload contacts, select template, give it a name
Fill in the details one by one. Check the preview box to see how the message will look in the recipient's chat. Any variables will be resolved to corresponding data once it is sent out.
Step 3: Schedule or send your broadcast
Send the message immediately, or choose a time in the future when you would like the message to be sent.
Once you are done, hit 'Publish Broadcast.' Your message will be sent to the list of contacts you uploaded & at the time you selected while scheduling.
Step 4: Track your results
DelightChat automatically tracks 2 goals through our integration with Shopify:
Orders placed
Order value
This is done by matching a customer's phone number who successfully received a broadcast to the phone number in a new order placed in your store.
You can find a detailed, step-by-step guide here.
Examples of WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns
A WhatsApp marketing campaign is a set of strategic activities, all done for a single goal of promoting the services and products of your company or raising awareness.
If your campaign uses WhatsApp to spread the message, it's a WhatsApp marketing campaign. It's different from a promotional message. A promotional message is one single message, but a campaign is usually a set of messages or multiple conversations with the audience.
A creative marketing campaign can be helpful in attracting audiences' attention as well get some PR from publications writing about creative marketing ideas. A good WhatsApp marketing campaign takes advantage of the fact that WhatsApp is easy to use, it has a wide reach, and a brand can send conversational messages on WhatsApp.
Here are two WhatsApp campaign examples with the business results they were able to achieve:
Absolut Vodka "Doorman at The Party" Campaign
Absolut Vodka is a leading brand of premium vodka made by a company in Southern Sweden.
Goal: Absolut vodka wanted to launch their limited edition vodka in Argentina & the aim was to create brand awareness around it. They wanted to experiment with conversational marketing, closely interacting with the audience Absolut Vodka isn't known for being too conversational.
So they had to be creative.
Campaign: Absolut Vodka launched a campaign called "Unique Access" on WhatsApp. They announced a big celebrity party and promised two tickets for the winners of the campaign.
Sven, a doorman at the party, was created. People had to contact Sven via WhatsApp and convince him to give them an invite to the party. But people discover that he isn't easy to convince. So they found creative methods to do that & sent photos, videos, songs, and even voice notes requesting the tickets.
After 3 days of chatting with the users, Absolut vodka received:
Social media buzz
More than 1,000 messages, videos, and images (user-generated content!) from fans
600 new contacts
And all this was done with just a phone & sim card!
ADAC "Don't Call Mom" campaign
ADAC is an automobile club in Germany that provides roadside assistance to its members.
Goal: ADAC had 20 million loyal customers, but the young audience didn't relate to them as much as older generations did. They wanted to stay relevant amongst that audience that didn't own a car (yet). So they launched their first digital campaign, of which WhatsApp was an integral part.
Campaign: ADAC launched the 'Don't call mom -- Call ADAC' campaign on WhatsApp. The idea was to open up a hotline for young people & welcome them to ask ANY questions from ADAC. Literally, any question, particularly the ones they can't ask their parents or shouldn't bother them. They received questions like how to deal with heartbreak or how to care for a pet cat.
Source: https://rckt.com/