Conversion. Each stage maps to a part of the lead generation funnel—top-of-funnel (tofu), mid-funnel (mofu), . Or bottom-funnel (bofu), as you can see in the diagram below.In the awareness stage, you'll . Use a lead magnet to capture potential buyers' attention.In the interest stage, you'll capitalize on . That attention by demonstrating your company's value and garnering interest in your brand.In the appraisal/desire .
Stage, you'll focus the prospect's interest on a particular product shop or service that provides them . A specific benefit or solution.In the action/confirmation stage, you'll convince the prospect to pull the . Trigger and buy the item they've been considering.In the conversion stage, you'll close the deal . By making the sale.Graphic illustration visualizing a lead generation funnel with the various stages of .
The top, middle, and bottom stages. How to build a lead generation funnelto give you . A sense of what a lead gen funnel looks like in practice, it should help . To see the thinking behind an actual strategy used by a real company from start . To finish. Here's the step-by-step process my company followed to increase sales. Find your .
Using Psychographics to Craft Better Emails
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