Newsletter subscription forms
Contact forms
Unlike commercial websites, which in addition to complying with all these statutes, must also abide by the provisions of the law on information society services and electronic commerce, which is responsible for safeguarding the rights of virtual buyers.
Having understood this information, we must highlight the fact that this adaptation to the requirements of the data protection law must include the express consent of the user for the storage and use of the data provided.
In addition, we must explain the explicit and specific purpose for which we request them.
And as if that were not enough, it is also necessary that the consent that users have given us to use their data on our website must be one hundred percent verifiable, that is, it is mandatory that we can demonstrate that the person who has filled out our form has given their permission for their data to be processed.
Leaving only two options for those of us who keep registration and trading options enabled within the structure of our web portal:
Delete contact form
disable comments
Therefore, it is necessary to adapt to the regulations in order to adapt to the new measures.
Above all, keeping your data updated and real, so that we can continue to send you our ongoing information and maintain an effective newsletter.
Although it may seem difficult, adapting your blog to the measures dictated by the European Parliament for data collection is actually easier than you think. It really only requires a little dedication and effort from the entire team that creates the content of your virtual space.
To better explain how you should adapt your blog to these measures, we will divide it into two phases:
Legal and theoretical phase
To start restructuring the data or forms filling in your at&t email list blog, you must first check that the server where you maintain your page complies with the new regulations.
Generally, if you are in Europe, this will be the case, but in cases where your origin is external, you must ensure the existence of a contract to remain in compliance with current statutes.
Secondly, it is necessary to complete the form of the Spanish Data Protection Agency known as “Facilita RGPD” , which is issued in .exe format and includes all the data that you must attach to protect data.

You should also draft a legal notice and privacy policy, in which you should include some personal data and your intention with the data you will collect.
To guide you in this writing, the Word document provided by Facilita RGPD will provide you with what you need to complete your notice without any problems.
And finally, if you already have a subscription list, you should check, as with your server, that the company that maintains it is located in Europe or, if located outside Europe, that it maintains statutes in accordance with those dictated by the GDPR.