Invite visitors to chat

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Invite visitors to chat

Post by samiul »

Personal interactions have become rare in the online marketplace. Consumers read FAQs instead of calling 800 numbers. They do their own research instead of asking questions.

To solve this problem, you can provide visitors with a way to contact you. A live chat feature may be the best option. It is easier and more convenient than email or phone calls.

Integrating live chat with your website has become much easier in the last few years. You can manage it yourself or use a chatbot – both options have proven to be extremely effective.

If you don't like live chat, encourage your audience to send you a private message on Facebook, via email, or some other form of personal communication. In other words, make yourself (or your team) available to your prospect.

Another way to invite visitors to contact you is to use the Call objective in Hello Bar.

Offer to chat with your visitors 1

Fill out the required information to create your Hello Bar.

Offer to chat with your visitors 2

Your mobile visitors can simply click on the call to action button to call you directly.

10. Provide the visitor with limited options
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by a decision that you can't make any choice at all? This is a common problem that leads to a kind of paralysis. Because you can't decide on one thing, you decide on nothing.

This is not the answer you want to get out of the game. The intent of the popup is to inspire. Instead, you want your visitors to take action immediately.

Ideally, your pop up should include only one offer and a call to action. Explain the incentive, then tell visitors what to do with it.

Never include more than two or three possible sentences. Even that may be too much, especially if you don't know your target audience very well.

Remember that a pop-up is not like a static page on a website. The visitor may not be able to return to it.

What if your prospects want all three offers you give them? They will have to choose only one, at which point they will feel cheated. Plus, you are losing potential sales or leads.

It’s better to use a pipeline approach. After your prospect converts on one offer, present them with another. Give people the opportunity to make only one decision at a time. This strategy can greatly improve the performance of exit-intent warning pop-ups.

11. Use authority credentials in subscription pop-ups
Do you have a title, certification, license, or other impressive credentials that make you an authority in your field? If so, mention it when you use the opt-in pop-up.

For example, let's say you have a doctorate. Be sure to use the prefix Dr. before your name. This suggests that whatsapp number malaysia you have more authority than someone without such a title.

Maybe you have a professional qualification that will impress your audience. Mention that, too. If you offer a service that you are certified for, let your audience know.


Other credentials can also help boost your credibility. Maybe you've been listed as one of the best in your industry or sold more widgets than any other company. Be sure to let people know.

12. Use impressive numbers
Numbers are extremely persuasive because they are concrete and can be proven. Big numbers impress your target audience.

Let's say, for example, that you have 25,000 subscribers on your email list. That's pretty impressive, right?

To increase conversions , include a call to action like this in the exit popup:

"Join 25,000 other subscribers and get instant access to our weekly newsletters."

"Over 12,000 travelers have booked Business Class flights taking advantage of our amazing deals."

Of course, you'll want to adjust it to suit your offer and incentive, but you get the idea.
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