Please note that there is no standard philippines whatsapp group price for any of the services offered by these professionals. However, we want to give you a reference on the cost of a Community Manager's work:
Firstly, the management of social networks like Instagram, characterized by needing a mix of diverse content (reels, carousels, stories, among others) can have a cost of between €350-500 with around four posts per week.
Social media advertising campaigns can have a similar cost, ranging from €300 to €500.
On the other hand, specialized consulting services can range from €60 to €200. This also depends on the experience and training of the consultant . The same applies to consulting services.
Now, it is necessary to take into account that a Community Manager can establish their prices in different ways:

Per project: This is a common option for professionals working on specific marketing projects or campaigns. The price of their services is based on the scope of the project.
Hourly: Community Managers adopt this charging method when there are several tasks and the time to complete them may vary.
Per month: This is an appropriate option when working with a client on a long-term basis. This payment model covers a specific set of services.
By strategy: This is applied when the professional's role is to develop a detailed social media strategy. It covers everything from defining projects to selecting platforms, establishing the brand's voice and style, among other actions.