Accurate phone numbers are precious for businesses. Around 91% of business jordan mobile phone numbers database organizations suffer from data errors, and 77% believe that they receive significant setbacks in their sales and marketing processes caused by invalid contact information. Sales and marketing can easily remove this by using a phone validator to regularly validate your contact list to ensure that you are investing your resources at the right place and gaining something out of it. A phone validator is a tool that runs a verification check on your contact list to figure out which numbers are invalid.

Not only does a phone validator check the format of the numbers, but it sends a ping to the number to verify if the number is live and it is receiving calls/ messages or not. It also helps you get the details like the location of the number, which can again be very helpful for tailoring the right strategies to approach your target users and generate leads. Most importantly, you will not have to worry about them knowing about your attempts to validate their numbers or get any notifications about the same.