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B2B and B2C e-commerce: understand the differences and how to build a successful strategy for each

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:51 am
by Abdur9
Understand how B2B and B2C business models impact e-commerce strategies.

For the customer, the differences between B2B vs. B2C e-commerce are of little importance. In the end, it is enough that their shopping experience is efficient and ensures the benefits of the virtual commerce environment.

However, for managers and professionals in the area, these e-commerce sites are very different, especially when considering communication and customer acquisition strategies.

A B2B Digital Marketing strategy is completely different from a lithuania email list 283108 contact leads B2C one, and it is essential that professionals understand their personas well for customer attraction and acquisition strategies.

Therefore, the idea of ​​this post is to try to understand the best way to optimize the customer experience, and consequently, your sales results, by better understanding the peculiarities of each type of virtual store in e- commerce .

Are these your goals too? Then be sure to read what we are going to present to you.

B2B and B2C e-commerce audience
Let's start with the basics. The acronym B2B is used to describe Business to Business relationships , or, in plain English, between companies.

B2C defines the interactions between Business to Customer , or between the company and the end customer.

Based on this, the purchase made by a B2C customer is oriented towards the satisfaction of individual needs, whether it is giving a gift to another person or a donation. However, it is their desires and interests that define the purchase .


In B2B, the purchase can even be conducted by a single employee from the purchasing department, but it is not his or her interests and needs that define the negotiation, but rather the demand presented by the company .

Although simplistic, this is a reflection that leads to one of the key points of managing virtual stores: their audience and, with it, the influencers in the purchasing decision-making process.

B2C Purchasing Influencers
Consumer sales seem much less complex, but in reality, they have as many or more influencers than B2B sales that affect our process. Among them, we can mention: