The training
As part of the “I choose French Tech” plan, training for public and private buyers will be expanded , as they are at the heart of purchasing decisions by companies and public administrations. In this context:
The French Tech Mission will contact buyers from each ministry in the next 12 months to identify needs and send them lists of relevant start-ups,
The Ministry of Economy and Finance will update the “Innovative Purchasing” guide in order to secure the definition of innovative purchasing for public buyers,
Bpifrance will launch the “Purchasing asia cell phone number list Directorate for Innovation” program in November 2023 to support 15 purchasing directors from large groups for 12 months,
The National Purchasing Council will devote the next edition of its annual “Purchasing University” event in June 2024 to purchasing innovation and support for French start-ups, in particular through training workshops,
The Union of Hospitals for Purchasing will create an innovative purchasing sector in the fall of 2023, the coordination of which will be based at the Nancy University Hospital. Its mission will be to set up a training platform for start-ups in public purchasing in 2024 in conjunction with the Agency for Innovation in Health and French Biotech.
The connection
More than 30 networking events between start-ups and other players in the French economic fabric are scheduled between now and the end of the year. In detail:
the French Tech Mission will reference all “I choose French Tech” events on its site,
The State Purchasing Department will register 100% of the FT Next40/FT120 by the end of 2023 on the APProch public procurement platform ,
four ministries (Economy, Army, Justice, Ecological Transition) will organize connections between start-ups and buyers by the end of 2023,
BPI France will register 100 major user groups by the end of 2023 on the Le Hub platform, which connects start-ups and major groups, and organize meetings during the next edition of BIG,• CNES will organize five networking events in the next three months, as part of its ConnectByCNES program,
CCI France will integrate 100% of FT Next40/120 into the CCI Business platform, comprising 10,000 companies, a directory of industrial subcontracting,
MEDEF will further integrate startups into its entreprises2024 site, to facilitate their access to Olympic calls for tender,
Numeum will finally organize a “NumeumCamp” event in the fall of 2023 bringing together around a hundred start-ups and large companies.