Formation of desire to buy
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:49 am
At this stage, it is necessary not only to indicate the properties of the product, but also to try to interest the client by drawing attention to its advantages and benefits.
The goal of this stage is to make the korea whatsapp client develop a clear and conscious desire to purchase this product. After you have outlined the advantages of your product, move on to the most important thing - to make your interlocutor excited about the idea of becoming its owner.
A very effective tool is a demonstration of the product's operation, which can last until the moment of payment. Here it is best to use a prepared video presentation. The point is that by involving the buyer in the process of showing the product, you warm up his interest and create the illusion that this thing has already become the user's property.

In this case, a psychological manipulation mechanism is used: when we see a product that completely satisfies us and observe how well it fulfills its functional purpose, this increases the desire to get it faster and try it on. Accordingly, seeing the desired goal in front of them, a person more easily parts with money and agrees to a deal. In such a situation, it is best to ensure that the client maintains a positive attitude and calmly bring the conversation to a sale.
Often, a deal, both online and offline, unexpectedly falls through when the seller does not dare to ask: "Are you buying?" There is no need to be afraid of this, because all previous communication was aimed at making the decision to make a deal mutual. In an online store, to avoid confusion, large, eye-catching buttons are made: "Buy", "Order", "Add to cart", etc. It is important to show how and when the buyer will receive the goods.
The goal of this stage is to make the korea whatsapp client develop a clear and conscious desire to purchase this product. After you have outlined the advantages of your product, move on to the most important thing - to make your interlocutor excited about the idea of becoming its owner.
A very effective tool is a demonstration of the product's operation, which can last until the moment of payment. Here it is best to use a prepared video presentation. The point is that by involving the buyer in the process of showing the product, you warm up his interest and create the illusion that this thing has already become the user's property.

In this case, a psychological manipulation mechanism is used: when we see a product that completely satisfies us and observe how well it fulfills its functional purpose, this increases the desire to get it faster and try it on. Accordingly, seeing the desired goal in front of them, a person more easily parts with money and agrees to a deal. In such a situation, it is best to ensure that the client maintains a positive attitude and calmly bring the conversation to a sale.
Often, a deal, both online and offline, unexpectedly falls through when the seller does not dare to ask: "Are you buying?" There is no need to be afraid of this, because all previous communication was aimed at making the decision to make a deal mutual. In an online store, to avoid confusion, large, eye-catching buttons are made: "Buy", "Order", "Add to cart", etc. It is important to show how and when the buyer will receive the goods.