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By creating a portal of this type, that is

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:10 am
by Rajulk985
based on badges, goals and levels, the desire for competition and the desire to reach the finish line is unleashed. This means only one thing: loyal customer.

Another idea to reward your customers with contests is the contests with receipt . The contests with receipt launched with the help of the Leevia platform exploit OCR technology , Optical Character Recognition. This technology is able to make the receipts “smart”, since it allows to read all the information contained within them, even from a semantic point of view, so that the brand can extract data to plan marketing activities.

With OCR reading you will be able to discover the average country email list spending of your customers and, based on it, ensure that there is a level transition (e.g. from Bronze to Gold) with consequent better service or better rewards.

How Customer Loyalty Has Evolved
Before the Internet, businesses rarely thought about how to reward customers to make repeat purchases. They relied on proximity to the store, and local businesses were the hub of shopping.

Today, most potential buyers start their search on Google, but also Instagram or TikTok, simply by searching for what they intend to buy. In this way, potential customers can compare the prices of each business and with one click they can receive the product comfortably at home the next day. Loyalty decreases in favor of increasing competition.

To attract customers and retain them, companies must therefore invest in rewarding customers by meeting and exceeding consumer expectations, thus building long-lasting relationships.


Competing simply on price is a losing race in the beginning. Companies that do not have loyal customers are the ones forced to play this way, offering only discounts to attract new consumers and without asking why those who have already made purchases have gone elsewhere. Companies with loyal customers, on the other hand, do not need to compete on price but can leverage the strong relationship to ensure that people return with their eyes closed at the moment of purchase.

Do you want to reward your customers and build loyalty