But within the group of self-employed professionals, one can find true talent and great professionals whose training comes from non-formal training and personal experience. In fact, the flexibility and variety of this way of acquiring skills and abilities creates a professional ecosystem that is much richer in options and more complete professionals.
Generally, a self-employed person does not worry too much about having official qualifications, as would someone applying for a job as an employee who aruba email list 38244 contact leads must go to job interviews to prove their training.
But it is true that there are times when a self-employed person who has not followed an official academic training may need to have his or her level of skills recognized in some way, either because an important client asks for it, or to access initiatives or programs in which proof of the educational degree is required, or even because the self-employed person finds himself or herself, after years of experience and professional work, with a job offer that interests him or her and for which he or she must officially prove his or her training.

The Professional Certificate offers two paths:
Officially certify the training acquired through courses offered by the INEM, training through training modules taught according to the regulations and structure established by the Public Employment Service.
Validate the skills and abilities acquired in an unregulated and unofficial manner through a series of assessment tests.
This Certificate can also be updated as the person acquires more skills or grows in abilities. At least every five years, a new assessment test can be taken to update or improve the level of skills recognized by the Professional Certificate.
When the professional skills assessed through training or professional experience are not sufficient to complete the qualifications included in a professional certificate, a cumulative partial accreditation is issued.
On the SEPE website, you can consult the types of Professional Certificates that exist, according to the professional families, to decide and identify the one that best suits the professional career of the self-employed person, or to decide in which line of training you want to progress.
Each Autonomous Community makes available to its citizens different resources and information through their respective employment pages . Assessment and accreditation tests are also held within each Community, being announced in the Official Gazette of the Community.