Benefits of saving energy
Currently, we are in an accelerated process of electrification in chairman email list which fossil fuels are being replaced by renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind. Likewise, more and more companies are opting for green energy sources to supply their infrastructures and offer their services, since these provide a multitude of benefits for companies.
Although investing in renewable energy is essential to stop climate change, saving on your company's energy consumption also provides a large number of benefits, which are not only positive for the environment.
So, what benefits does saving energy have for your company? Mainly, saving on consumption will improve your company's economy, so you can invest capital in other items that were previously used for energy consumption. As a result, the company's competitiveness will increase (a company with more resources is a more competitive company!). In addition, by saving energy you are contributing to job creation and, therefore, the activation of the national economy.
Naturgy's 10 tips for saving energy in your company
1. Light up your business with low-consumption lights: efficient lighting can save up to 75% of energy. In addition, its lifespan can be up to 10 times longer.
2. Paint the walls of the office in light colours. This will help to provide greater luminosity.
3. Taking advantage of sunlight will allow you to save on your electricity bill. In addition, if you want to make the most of sunlight, with Naturgy's Servisolar service , you can obtain photovoltaic solar energy to supply electricity to your business and save even more on your bills.
4. Don't forget to turn off the lights in areas where no one is. Also don't forget to turn off your computer if you're not using it.
5. Likewise, disconnect your phone and laptop when they are already charged: they continue to consume energy even when the battery is charged. 6. If necessary, turn off the power supply and turn off the lights .
heating, set the thermostat to 20ºC. Each additional degree represents 7% more energy consumption.
7. If you also needair-conditioning, set the thermostat to a temperature of approximately 22ºC and wear light clothing that allows you to be comfortable at your workplace.
8. If you have a washing machine in your business, fill it before turning it on: it is a good way to save water and electricity at the same time.