Conversion rate: With this metric you can determine the percentage of visitors who end up making a purchase. Therefore, you always want to keep this high. Let's say that in one month 30 people visit, 15 buy, the percentage is 50%.
Customer lifetime value: You can measure the revenue generated by a customer over the time they have purchased from your e-commerce site. It is a way to assess brand loyalty.
Added to Cart: It's important to measure how often your customer bc data mexico adds items to their shopping cart. You'll be able to measure different aspects, such as how well your site can attract people interested in your product.
Average order value: You will know the average amount of money your customers spend per order. To calculate it, you must divide your total income by the number of orders in a given period of time.

Organic repeat purchase rate: In addition to conversion rate for measuring consumer loyalty, an important metric in e-commerce is the number of customers (those who have already made a purchase) who return to your site to buy from you again.
We already know what the repurchase rate is, the word organic refers to the fact that it is done without investing money in it. You will know the capacity that your site has to make your customers come back.