Why? To avoid oversaturation. Think about it: On average, each of us is exposed to 1,500 stories on Facebook every day . I repeat: every day. That includes everything from new photos of your acquaintances on the list of algeria whatsapp phone numbers beach to someone advertising for sale a used sofa. Can you imagine if there was no limit? You could be scrolling down the screen for hours watching nothing but cat videos.
Okay, I get it. Now, how do I make a good post so it reaches my audience?
That's the million dollar question. The important part of the question is ' good post' . And I ask, what is a good post?
A good post is one that is relevant to your audience. This means being very clear about who your message is directed at . Are you an electrician thinking of posting a bunch of tips so that your clients see you as an expert in that field? If so, then announcing that you have bought a new van is not a good idea. However, if your company is a moving company, that would be a different story.

There are a few tricks you can follow. Sometimes you can learn more from other industry professionals' mistakes than from their successes. For example, we're all fed up with headlines like ' 5 Ways to Save Energy That Will Blow Your Mind. Number 3 Blew My Mind!' . In fact, Facebook has started penalizing such posts by giving them lower rankings. These types of posts are focused on easy clicks, and while it's true that they often work (you can get huge volumes of traffic with these tricks), the reality is that once your audience clicks and discovers that the content of the post wasn't that great, they'll be disappointed. And in the long run, this can mean a loss of followers.
Therefore, in order to further retain your customers , it is always a good idea to be honest and try to deliver what you promised in the headline. Without exaggeration. There are ways to make an attractive post without resorting to these cheap hooks.