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If trade fairs and congresses have stopped being organised, what alternatives does a B2B company have?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 8:46 am
by simaseo1056
The trade fair and congress sector has suffered a colossal blow in 2020 due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2, but will it be profitable to attend the trade fairs organised in the second half of 2020? What alternatives do I have?

If trade fairs and congresses have stopped being organised, what alternatives does a B2B company have?
The Trade Fair and Congress sector has suffered a colossal blow in 2020 due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (which causes the COVID-19 disease), which has forced the postponement or cancellation of many international trade fairs.

The Expodatabase website , an online service for identifying international trade fairs with a powerful search engine, indicates that the total number of trade fairs cancelled or postponed worldwide amounts to more than 1,500 , of which approximately 900 have been in Europe, 400 in Asia and 200 in North America, with the number of trade fairs affected in South America, Africa and Oceania being practically residual. The sector has come to a complete standstill in the second quarter of 2020 and activity is not expected to resume until June at the earliest.

The number of trade fairs planned for the second algeria whatsapp number data 5 million half of the year before the health crisis was already quite large. To this large number should be added a large number of trade fairs and congresses that have not been cancelled and that have sought new dates for their celebration from June 2020 onwards. The trade fair calendar is therefore completely saturated for the second half of the year.

Companies that had planned to participate in, for example, six events throughout the year will see their participation in these fairs concentrated in the last four months of the year , making it more than possible that these events will overlap. Of course, this calendar will make the work of the marketing and sales teams of companies much more difficult, preventing optimal preparation of all the events.

But the big question is not whether companies will be able to efficiently manage their participation in the trade fairs in the second half of the year, but whether these fairs will be able to attract a minimum attendance figure that will make them profitable. At present, it seems highly probable that all the trade fairs that have been postponed will find a place in the calendar and that they will also be able to attract a sufficient critical mass.


But the big question is not whether companies will be able to efficiently manage their participation in the trade fairs in the second half of the year, but whether these fairs will be able to attract a minimum attendance figure that will make them profitable.

The biggest focus of the pandemic is currently in Europe. Many member countries have suspended the Schengen Area and restricted the free movement of people. Italy and Spain are at the height of the health crisis and the worst is probably yet to come in France and Germany. In the United Kingdom, which is no longer a member of the European Union, a wave of infections is also expected in the coming weeks. How long will the closure of the internal and external borders of the European Union last? The European Commission has proposed an initial period of 30 days within which it hopes to control the pandemic, but no one dares to predict for sure how it will evolve and when we will be able to return to normality, which will translate into a lifting of the bans on the free movement of goods.

What can be predicted without fear of being wrong is that the easing of lockdown policies and the gradual opening of borders will be accompanied by measures that will temporarily restrict the movement and concentration of people. And these restrictive measures are very likely to last beyond the month of June.

Many other countries have taken the same measures as the European Union. The United States, for example, decreed the closure of its borders with the European Union on March 13, and China has just announced that it is temporarily closing its borders to foreigners and will only allow the entry of nationals.

Even if we manage to control the pandemic and lift mobility restrictions before the start of summer, a scenario that is difficult to predict, the psychological consequences of the health crisis we are experiencing will last for months and will almost certainly extend throughout 2020.

What could be the return on investment in trade fairs in a context of movement restrictions and psychological barriers to free movement?

Given a scenario that is very likely to come true , what could be the return on investment in trade fairs in a context of movement restrictions and psychological barriers to free movement? It is clear that each case must be analysed, assessing the sector of activity (whether it has been strongly affected or not), the location of the fair (Europe or outside it), its economic cost, the number of visitors we expect, their origin (whether it is local or international), our presentation in the market (are we a new player or do we have a strong presence in it)…etc.


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:06 am
by rumana50

當您依賴傳統的電子郵件平台時,緊急 巴基斯坦whatsapp號碼數據5萬 訊息很容易被不太重要的請求淹沒。這會導致回應延遲,讓客戶感到沮喪,並錯過及時解決關鍵問題的機會。






讓我們從最直接的因素開始。您的 SLA 和其他承諾可以確定或至少指導您的優先順序。例如,如果您向 VIP 客戶承諾兩小時的回應時間,他們的工單將自動獲得更高的緊迫性。




關鍵: 放下一切,立即行動!這些問題需要立即關注,最好是在幾分鐘內。這些問題通常會影響您的全部或大部分客戶群,例如:

高: 快速行動,旨在幾個小時內解決這些問題。這些也可能是影響許多客戶的問題。然而,對於以您知道(基於歷史數據/回饋)的方式影響一個客戶且具有高流失風險的任何問題,這也是一個很好的分類。範例:

您的 SaaS 產品的一個關鍵功能無法正常運作
中: 重要,但不著火。這往往是最大的類別,通常是您希望在 24 小時內解決的詢問,例如:

低: 可以等一下。這些詢問雖然很重要,但可以在解決更迫切的問題後才能解決。目標是在 48 小時內或在下一個可用機會時解決。例如:



受影響的使用者數量。 影響大量客戶的問題更重要。有時,多數人的需求超過少數人的需求。
對顧客的影響程度。 一個完全不起作用的產品會比電子郵件警報的輕微延遲帶來更多的挫折感。
潛在的收入損失。 阻止結帳完成的問題比網站設計中的微小缺陷所產生的影響更大。
品牌聲譽風險。 例如,資料外洩可能會破壞客戶的信任並產生長期後果。

例如,VIP 客戶可能會因密碼問題而被鎖定其帳戶,而一個小錯誤會影響所有使用者的產品描述。雖然 VIP 客戶很重要,但影響所有用戶的錯誤可能會對銷售和客戶滿意度產生更廣泛的影響。

為小型企業實施 PPC 的初學者指南

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:24 am
by rumana50

按點擊付費 (PPC) 廣告活動將您 塞內加爾 WhatsApp 號碼資料 5 萬 的業務在相關客戶想要購買時展示在他們面前。然而,許多 PPC 廣告由於缺乏資訊或時間投入(或兩者兼而有之)而失敗。



PPC 廣告快速入門

Google 搜尋中的 PPC 廣告。
您的網站出現在搜尋結果的頂部、前面和中間。客戶點擊瀏覽,了解更多信息,並希望購買。這就是 PPC 的實際應用。

透過 PPC 廣告,您的企業將步入吸引潛在客戶的快車道。您無需等待數月才能建立自然流量,而是付費讓您的網站在人們搜尋與您的業務相關的關鍵字時突出顯示。

您可以在哪裡開展 PPC 行銷活動?
有許多可用的 PPC 平台,每個平台都有自己的優勢和定位選項。 Google Ads 是迄今為止最受歡迎的廣告,在 Google 搜尋及其合作夥伴網路中提供了廣泛的影響力。


在 Google Ads 中建立廣告活動。
如果您想定位其他搜尋引擎的用戶,可以嘗試 Microsoft Advertising 和 Bing Ads。

此外,許多社群媒體平台都提供廣告方案。 Facebook 廣告、Instagram 廣告、LinkedIn 廣告等可讓您根據人口統計、興趣和行為來定位用戶。

PPC 廣告在幕後如何運作
要了解 PPC 廣告,您需要了解一些基本術語:

出價。 PPC 廣告就像拍賣。您將為廣告的每次點擊設定最高出價(您願意支付的最高金額)。

PPC 對小型企業的優點和缺點
PPC 廣告可以比等待自然流量湧入更快地推動轉換。

大約45% 的品牌認為 PPC 是有價值的策略。您最終選擇哪一邊取決於您如何根據公司的獨特產品和需求權衡 PPC 的利弊。

試試 PPC 的優點
PPC 對小型企業的主要好處是:

快速追蹤結果。透過 PPC,您可以獲得即時可見性。一旦您的廣告系列啟動並運行,您就可以立即開始查看流量和轉換。這使得 PPC 成為快速測試新產品或促銷活動的強大工具。它也非常適合利用季節性機會。
雷射聚焦瞄準。 PPC 將您的訊息呈現給最有可能感興趣的人。透過精細的定位選項(人口統計、興趣、位置,甚至一天中的時間),您可以充分利用廣告收入。
預算控制和靈活性。 PPC 使您能夠設定自己的預算,無論大小。您可以選擇每天、每次點擊或每次廣告活動花費的金額。

客戶服務心理學:針對小型企業的 6 個快速提示

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:45 am
by rumana50

許多小型企業主發現管理客戶服務具 土耳其 WhatsApp 號碼資料 5 萬 有挑戰性。時間很短,您可能缺乏資源來聘請經驗豐富的支援代理。






系統 1(情緒自動駕駛)是大腦中快速、自動和情緒化的部分。該系統根據第一印象和直覺反應做出快速判斷。

假設您的客戶剛剛遇到您提供的軟體中的錯誤。他們的最初反應是由系統 1 驅動的。


一旦最初的情緒平息,它就會開始發揮作用。透過使用系統 2,您可以幫助客戶清晰思考並做出明智的決策,即使他們面臨壓力也是如此。 (同時,當他們仍處於系統 1 模式時,你無法使他們的感受無效。)


第一印像是關鍵。 客戶對支持代理的語氣、同理心和能力的初步感知為整個互動奠定了基礎。如果他們得到負面的第一印象,就很難克服。這就是為什麼你需要從友善的問候開始,練習積極和同理心的傾聽,在相關時道歉,並表現出真誠的幫助願望。
有效的溝通涉及系統 2 。最好避免使用行話,並提供結構化的解決方案。