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Sure! Moleskine, you might think! Yes

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 6:23 am
by pilide2813
Sure! Moleskine, you might think! Yes, it was here in 2015, when we gave our clients these famous notebooks. And since you can't step into the same river and notebook twice, we decided: let's make our own!

Beautiful, practical and better than Moleskine. And one that will last after Christmas. In fact, one that can be used anytime. " That means it won't be an Advent calendar ," we shrewdly decided.

A database of wise advice… and instructions
And now for the duality: Idealab is a well-known agency in its field , and ARCHIZOOM has also built an unmissable place among Czech architects in two years, so we wanted to bring both the "parent" company and the growing online magazine into one, if possible, interesting "product".

Finally, we came up with a double-sided notebook : on kazakhstan telemarketing list one side there is a section dedicated to Idealab, and the other half (if you turn it 180 degrees) is the ARCHIZOOM notebook. “ So I have the form, now I have the content ,” said Radek at the meeting. We decided to use our database of marketing guides and tips , of which we have over 400 on the Idealab website. Yes, that's right: one or two articles will be added every week, and there are now around 400 articles on our blog! And on top of that, several hundred marketing terms and keywords, which you can find as a Marketing Dictionary .


How QR navigation works in the notebook
We took all these articles, advice and instructions, which we have been working on intensively for several years, selected almost 90 of the most interesting ones and placed them in a notebook. Our reasoning was simple: you are sitting in a conference or meeting, writing something down and at the bottom right of the page you have a short sentence and a QR code . Who wouldn't be curious? You point your phone and boom... you are on our website and you can read instructions on how to properly set up your LinkedIn profile or how to effectively manage marketing if you are an architect. No boring lessons, but clear and understandable instructions on how to solve something, move somewhere or learn something interesting. The main topics are, of course, architecture, design and marketing .

On the other hand, we will reveal that we track our unique QR codes in the notebook in Google Analytics , so we know exactly who came to our website "from the notebook".