To select group subscribers

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To select group subscribers

Post by pilide2813 »

To select group subscribers, click on "VK Groups" and find the community via search. Contextual positioning. This feature allows you to set ad impressions based on searches for keywords or phrases. time and date. Select the campaign period, dates and times when your ad will appear. To do this, you need to understand the lifestyle characteristics of your target audience. To develop a successful advertising strategy, it's important to understand your target audience and continually update relevant data.

The Calltouch Predict service is based on guatemala telemarketing list human speech recognition. The program will record conversations with customers, decipher them, and determine the caller's gender and request. You'll discover who your key consumers are and what they're interested in. Predictions Quickly and easily analyze and segment calls Call text transcription and automatic tagging More details Set your bets In the Price & Audience Range section, you need to set your bid size.

Based on this, the system predicts coverage as a percentage. You'll also need to choose an auction strategy: maximum impressions, fixed bid, or minimum revenue. Next, set the impression (listening) frequency - per person per day or for the entire campaign. Enter your daily budget and total budget figures. It’s best to opt for the budget allocation feature so you don’t spend all your money at the start of your campaign. Load video Add audio files and start your campaign.


Once your ad is created, it must be sent for review. myTarget moderators will check whether the file complies with the service rules and provide an answer. Moderation lasts no longer than a day. If an ad is rejected, the user will be informed of what needs to be corrected. In this case, moderators rarely change their decisions. Balance The final stage is to replenish the balance in your profile.

It is easier for individuals to work with myTarget than for legal entities. The latter will need to sign an agreement with the service before launching audio ads on VKontakte. Ads will be placed upon payment of the service fee and approval by moderators. How to be more efficient Search easily. If you want people to visit your online store or place an order after listening to your video, make the process as simple as possible.
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