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How to Present an Inbound Marketing Project to Your Company

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:35 am
by aktAkterSabiha10
How to present an inbound marketing project to your boss in the best way? To create a perfect presentation, both in preparing the document and in preparing the speech you intend to develop, it is essential to have clear ideas. Where to start to avoid arriving unprepared and not to leave out any details? In this article we will define the 3 points to consider before presenting the results of a project to your company.

1. Where to start to measure the success or failure of a project: what are the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?
Choosing the time period to analyze the results of an Inbound Marketing project is already a first but very important step towards the presentation of a plan. It is not just an intermediate step but a useful choice to bring out some indicators rather than others. Especially on long-term projects, choosing a time period (a month, a quarter, a semester, a year) becomes a discriminating factor when you want to effectively comment on the increase or decrease, in percentage, of organic traffic to a section of the site or Blog. After choosing the time interval you want to talk about in the speech, the next step is choosing the KPIs you want to bring out. KPIs give list of telegram users in belgium tangible value to the efforts made by the entire work team. The KPIs that cannot be missing in the presentation of an inbound marketing project are:

Traffic of the site and the Blog in question. A special attention to Organic Traffic .
Positioning of the site and the Blog on search engines. The Keywords that were chosen, what positioning did they yield?
Lead Generation Results . How many new contacts were acquired? How many of these were on target?


2. Avoid hiding problems! Making proposals to find solutions is the choice that pays the most
Often in a presentation there is a tendency to highlight indicators with positive data rather than those that highlight less brilliant performances. Nothing could be more wrong! It is essential that during a SAL (State of Progress of Work) of a project all the problems of the same emerge. The problems that can arise are of different nature, from the most banal to the most complex. There could be a relationship problem with one of the project referents , a problem of a technological nature or a much more complex problem that involves different areas (often they are those that question the strategy of the entire project). What is essential is to try to make the most of each problem and arrive at the presentation with the awareness that, by talking about the issues without trying to hide them and making proposals to resolve them, it will be easier to empathize with your audience, avoiding criticism of the work (of one or all members of a team). Taking responsibility for what happens and learning from your mistakes can be the first step towards solving the problem.