Tech Journalist Jobs: Why the Future is in B2B
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:05 am
The work of a journalist is changing, indeed it is already profoundly different compared to how it was done a few years ago. The dizzying collapse of the printed paper that in the decade 2010-2020 saw the number of copies sold of the 4 main Italian newspapers more than halve is probably, downstream, one of the most macroscopic signs of this change. If we then move from generalist newspapers to the link between the world of information and the tech universe , the transformation is even more radical. It should be remembered in passing that digital technology and journalism have never had an idyllic relationship. Suffice it to say that for the exam to become a professional journalist, until a few years ago, you had to show up with a typewriter. Pure archaeology for many millennials and even for those like me who belong to the previous generation X, but it is only a symptom of the substantial disinterest that the work of a journalist has reserved for a long time for technology both as a practice and as a topic to be covered.
Journalism and tech work, how to (re)ignite interest
It still happens today that some colleagues put their hands up to justify their ignorance in tech matters. If we were talking about politics or sports, they would not be so casual in confessing their shortcomings. It is a void that others have taken it upon themselves to fill. The web is in fact full of communicators who have decided to play a role that many, too many journalists have given up from the start: explaining digital innovations for the benefit of a more or less informed public. But there is an area that requires skills that go beyond the ability to illustrate how the latest wearable device works or the criteria for choosing a robot vacuum cleaner. It is what falls within the B2B (Business to Business) relationship that identifies the commercial exchange, and not only, that occurs between companies. The work of the tech journalist, in this area, can find fertile ground for expression and, why not, renewed vitality.
Helping Businesses Understand the Digital Revolution
Contemporary companies are facing a revolution comparable to that introduced by the invention of the steam engine . The pervasive digitalization of business processes essentially requires a profound metamorphosis of the classic methods that have characterized the usual economic dynamics up to now. Organizations, consequently, are increasingly asking what technologies can make them more competitive, resilient and innovative . Unlike in the past, when it was mainly the IT department that wa s cambodia telegram mobile Phone Number list responsible for selecting the software and hardware devices considered useful for the office or the plant, now any profile that holds a responsibility in the company wants to be able to orient themselves among new technological models, platforms and systems. Not to replace IT, but to understand how Information Technology can positively influence the business . The work of the tech journalist can help them, leveraging precisely what is typical of their profession: verification of sources, analysis of trends, collection of cases and testimonies, transparency of information.

The many specializations in the work of the tech journalist
Accompanying companies along informed decision-making paths regarding digital transformation implies that the journalist's work specializes in specific tech areas. These can be areas that are transversal to all types of companies (infrastructure and governance, cloud, management systems, security, etc.) or vertical , that is, combined with the market segment in which the organization operates (retail, manufacturing, banking and insurance, agri-food, and so on). This richness guarantees the possibility of drawing on a thread that lends itself to being investigated with the same meticulousness that at the origin of journalism justified, for example, the division of news into many sub-genres: black, white, pink, judicial, sports. Similarly, the work of the tech journalist now includes the Internet of Things expert , the blockchain expert , the edge computing expert or the artificial intelligence expert . This is why, ultimately, in B2B, companies that offer technological solutions and businesses that seek them can count, today and in the future, on a professional who acts as a bridge between both, supporting both in building a mutual dialogue based on knowledge.
Journalism and tech work, how to (re)ignite interest
It still happens today that some colleagues put their hands up to justify their ignorance in tech matters. If we were talking about politics or sports, they would not be so casual in confessing their shortcomings. It is a void that others have taken it upon themselves to fill. The web is in fact full of communicators who have decided to play a role that many, too many journalists have given up from the start: explaining digital innovations for the benefit of a more or less informed public. But there is an area that requires skills that go beyond the ability to illustrate how the latest wearable device works or the criteria for choosing a robot vacuum cleaner. It is what falls within the B2B (Business to Business) relationship that identifies the commercial exchange, and not only, that occurs between companies. The work of the tech journalist, in this area, can find fertile ground for expression and, why not, renewed vitality.
Helping Businesses Understand the Digital Revolution
Contemporary companies are facing a revolution comparable to that introduced by the invention of the steam engine . The pervasive digitalization of business processes essentially requires a profound metamorphosis of the classic methods that have characterized the usual economic dynamics up to now. Organizations, consequently, are increasingly asking what technologies can make them more competitive, resilient and innovative . Unlike in the past, when it was mainly the IT department that wa s cambodia telegram mobile Phone Number list responsible for selecting the software and hardware devices considered useful for the office or the plant, now any profile that holds a responsibility in the company wants to be able to orient themselves among new technological models, platforms and systems. Not to replace IT, but to understand how Information Technology can positively influence the business . The work of the tech journalist can help them, leveraging precisely what is typical of their profession: verification of sources, analysis of trends, collection of cases and testimonies, transparency of information.

The many specializations in the work of the tech journalist
Accompanying companies along informed decision-making paths regarding digital transformation implies that the journalist's work specializes in specific tech areas. These can be areas that are transversal to all types of companies (infrastructure and governance, cloud, management systems, security, etc.) or vertical , that is, combined with the market segment in which the organization operates (retail, manufacturing, banking and insurance, agri-food, and so on). This richness guarantees the possibility of drawing on a thread that lends itself to being investigated with the same meticulousness that at the origin of journalism justified, for example, the division of news into many sub-genres: black, white, pink, judicial, sports. Similarly, the work of the tech journalist now includes the Internet of Things expert , the blockchain expert , the edge computing expert or the artificial intelligence expert . This is why, ultimately, in B2B, companies that offer technological solutions and businesses that seek them can count, today and in the future, on a professional who acts as a bridge between both, supporting both in building a mutual dialogue based on knowledge.