Amazon SEO Guide

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Amazon SEO Guide

Post by mstlucky8072 »

The online shopping frenzy, which has increased day by day due to the changing world and the impact of the pandemic, has also led to serious competition among users selling on online marketplaces. The number of active sellers on Amazon, one of the largest marketplaces in the world, reached approximately 2.4 million in 2021. This means that competition between sellers is quite high.

Just like search engines like Google have a ranking algorithm, there is also an algorithm that works in the background on giant e-commerce sites like Amazon. Amazon calls its ranking algorithm on the site A9, and with the latest developments, it is called the A10 algorithm. This algorithm continues to be developed day by day to offer the best product to users. Therefore, if you want to increase your Amazon sales, you should develop your store in accordance with the Amazon algorithm and optimize your product pages. Here, we will call the optimization processes you need to perform Amazon SEO.

What is Amazon SEO?
Amazon SEO is the process of developing your Amazon store and products in accordance with the Amazon ranking algorithm. As with SEO, there are known ranking factors in Amazon SEO, but there are also many unknown ranking factors. Although there are some objections on the subject, it is known that the Amazon ranking algorithm works based on approximately 200 factors.

How Does the Amazon Search Algorithm Work?
The Amazon search algorithm, known as A9 or most recently as A10, is dependent on many factors, but it basically focuses on relevance and efficiency. The Amazon A10 algorithm, like other search engines, compares the relevance of the page content you create and the search you make to offer users the most appropriate product. In the efficiency factor, conversion rates and different performance evaluations come into play.

Amazon SEO: What Are the Ranking Factors?
As we mentioned above, it is estimated that Amazon ranks products by evaluating approximately 200 different ranking factors. Some of these factors are known, while others are kept secret. The main known ranking factors are as follows.

Product Title
Product Description
Store Name
Striking Feature, Motto (Bullets)
Search Terms
Category Selection
Conversion Rate
1 - Product Title
One of the first things customers will notice on a product overseas chinese in worldwide data listing page is the product title. So when choosing your product title, you should choose one that is simple, understandable, and conveys the product in the best way possible. The Amazon Seller Central guide states that product titles that are not created according to the requirements may not be ranked in search results .


Things to consider when creating a product title:

Although Amazon recommends limiting your title to 80 characters, best practices show that product titles with 100 to 150 characters rank better.
Important details such as color and quantity should be included in the product title.
Product names should be determined with the first letters capitalized and the rest in lower case, except for conjunctions.
Numbers should be stated in numbers, not in words. (For example, using 7 instead of seven.)
Try to include your target keywords in the product title as much as possible.
Use “-” or ”|“ symbols between details to increase the readability of the title.
The essential points to avoid when creating a product title are as follows.

Titles should not be written in all capital letters.
Non-language ASCII characters such as Æ, ©, or ® should not be used.
Subjective comments such as Best Sellers, Best Product, Free Shipping etc. should not be used.
The product title should not contain the seller name.
The title should not contain too much information.
Keyword stuffing should be avoided when using keywords.

Amazon has different title rules for different categories, so you need to optimize your product title to match the category your products are listed in.

2 - Product Description
Product description is one of the most important ranking factors. Optimized product descriptions will not only help you rank higher in search engines but will also increase your conversion rates by convincing the user to purchase.

Things to consider when creating a product description are as follows.

Your explanations should be short and clear.
Only factual information should be included in the statements.
Target keywords should be used in the product description without keyword stuffing.
Competitor brands should never be used in the description. Otherwise, your product may be removed from search results.
3 - Price
Product prices play an important role in the user’s purchase phase. If you want to sell on a highly competitive marketplace like Amazon, you can compare the prices of the products you sell with other stores that sell similar products. If your product price is much higher than average, your conversion rate will probably be lower than other stores you compete with. In addition, selling similar products at a higher price than your competitors will result in you ranking lower than your competitors according to the Amazon algorithm.

In order to increase your sales volume, you should definitely examine stores that sell similar products and determine your product prices according to competitor analysis.

4 - Product Image
Product images, like the product name, are the first elements that users pay attention to when making a purchasing decision. High-quality and eye-catching product images have a higher conversion rate than low-quality product images.

A minimum of one image is required for product detail pages. The Amazon Seller Central guide recommends adding 6 images and 1 video content to your product pages .

Images should be clear, informative, and eye-catching. The first image you add is the product image that will be listed on search and category pages. Therefore, your first image should be created with only the product for sale on a white background. Other images can include images of the product from different angles or in use.

Other details you should pay attention to when adding product images:

Images must be real photographs that accurately represent the product to be sold. Graphics, drawings, models, etc. are not allowed.
Images should be high quality, professional photos. Blurry, pixelated images will negatively impact sales.
The image must match the product title.
A white background must be used in the image. (RGB 255, 255, 255)
The product must take up at least 85% of the image.
Images must be in JPEG, TIFF, PNG or GIF format.
Images must not contain inappropriate elements such as nudity etc.
5 - Store Name
The keywords you will use in your store name are effective in Amazon search results. Creating a store name related to the products you sell can create a ranking advantage for your store.

For example, the following example shows the products that users who search for American Flag Ties for Men encounter. We see that the Man of Men store, which is in the second row, targets the search query with the menu in the store name. When the menu is removed from the search results, the position of the Man of Men store changes.

6 - Bullet Points
Bullet points are explanatory texts added to product detail pages as bullet points. Bullet points, which are the first place users look to learn about product features, should be written in a plain language that the user can understand, without keyword stuffing. Complex and keyword-focused bullet points will negatively affect the user's purchasing decision and cause your conversion rate to drop.

Seller Central guidelines state that a maximum of 5 items should be written for each product and the description should be under 1000 characters.

Using keywords in bullet points has an impact on your rankings on Amazon, just like SEO, but well-written articles will naturally include keywords. Therefore, you should be careful to provide useful information to users in bullet points by avoiding excessive keyword use.

7 - Search Terms (Backend Keywords)
Search terms are hidden keywords that the Amazon algorithm uses to better understand what the product is about. As can be understood from the word “hidden,” these keywords are words that the user cannot see but bots can see. According to Seller Central, the following factors should be considered when determining search terms:

Do not exceed the length limit of 250 bytes.
Include alternative synonyms that users can use when searching for products.
Include different spelling variations.
Include abbreviations and alternative uses as well.
You can write it all in lower case.
You do not need to use punctuation marks like ";", ":", "-".
Put spaces between words.
Do not repeat words in the search terms field.
You don't need to include words like "a," "for," "with," "and," etc.
Use singular or plural nouns, not both.
For the search term, Amazon gives users 50 bytes of space in 5 different lines. Below you can see the search terms created for the bamboo cutting board product as an example.
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