Complicated relationship

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Complicated relationship

Post by Arzina111 »

A few weeks ago I attended the III RSEncuentro , an event built collaboratively with the aim of sharing and learning in an active and participatory way about Social Responsibility . Bannister Global provided pro bono public relations and media relations services. At the round table I participated, communication and Social Responsibility were discussed and this event allowed me to express some of the reflections I have been compiling about a

I have been involved in communication projects for RS for many years , editing reports, organizing events, fundraising , online tools… During this time I have been in contact with some of the best professionals in the field of Social Responsibility and their messages have resonated with me. I am convinced that a company must have social objectives , without ever forgetting that one of them is the generation of economic value for its workers, for its clients and for society.

1. Creating shared value
For many years now, companies have not been analysed djibouti email list solely as a generator of value for shareholders. There are many other variables that are taken into account for the large Ibex listed companies, which are monitored by proxy advisors , prevention of money laundering, good governance codes, environmental regulations, CNMV obligations...


But SMEs must also consider the creation of shared value as the heart of their business. When we started Bannister Global, we were clear that Social Responsibility is not the paint on the facade, it is the structure that supports a building . That is why we launched a growth strategy based on trust in individuals and companies with specific specialties. Professionals with whom to partner to develop projects, forming a well-coordinated virtual team, in a flexible ecosystem, in which everyone wins.

And we communicate this to our stakeholders : customers, potential customers and collaborators. This information, transmitted in a precise manner, makes us different.
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