With a degree in journalism behind you, when did you start to get interested in digital marketing?
My first approach was in 2004, with the creation of content for project newsletters t switzerland consumer mobile number list hat we distributed through emailing, although it was in Barcelona, in 2011, working as a content manager for an entertainment website when I felt “the call” of digital marketing. There I learned about several aspects and possibilities that the online world offered, so I began to look for courses on content and social media to keep up to date. In addition, I had a boss who saw potential in me, he placed a lot of value on professional retraining and shared with me topics on commercial marketing, advertising networks, Analytics, etc. that were new to me and broadened my field.

What were your first work experiences in Peru like in the Judiciary and Swisscontact? What did you learn from that time?
In fact, it was earlier, 17 years ago, from my position in charge of institutional image at a branch of the Judiciary , which is the corporate image for private companies. In reality, it was my internship for the Journalism degree, but I consider it as work experience because my tutor left the branch a month after I started and the Administration invited me to take on -of course, as an intern- all the functions of the institutional image section , so I saw it as an opportunity to empower myself and gain experience.
My time at Swisscontact was extremely enriching, I felt valued as a professional and also as a person. Swisscontact is a Swiss foundation that manages external funds for development projects and I started as an assistant in the office in the city of Cajamarca, Peru, but we soon saw the need to communicate what we did to both internal and external clients and to stakeholders. There were six projects that promoted the economic development of the region by strengthening management, accounting, product/service improvement capabilities, etc., so there was a lot of information to take advantage of. I had an extraordinary boss who trusted me completely, so I also started to work as a communications manager; I planned and created content for newsletters, kept in touch with the press, collaborated in the organization of networking events, supervised the design of promotional material, among other things.