The main reason for this update is that 15% of current searches by users on Google are about topics that have not been seen or searched for before . The aim is to achieve a mechanism that can respond to queries that cannot be anticipated. To do this, the goal is to understand the daily language used by users, regardless of how they write it or combine words. An algorithm based on neural networks for Natural Language Processing (NLP) .
How Google BERT works
Until now, Google analyzed word by word the expressions that users entered into the search panel, but with this new update, its intention is to relate each and every word, not only to understand their meaning, but also in the context in which the search was made .
This will be possible because, unlike the old algorithm, it will take into account connectors and prepositions and not just keywords. The company presented several examples to demonstrate how it works:
They performed the following search comparing the two algorithms: "2019 brazil traveler to usa need a visa". The old algorithm, which ignored the preposition “a”, did not perform the search correctly, since it changed the meaning of the sentence. However, the new algorithm, thanks to its understanding of this preposition, was able to perform a more careful search and returned the expected result.
This is the image that shows the results that appeared when doing both searches.
The company has realized that more and more specific searches are being made on its search engine. In this sense, Google has seen the need to achieve a much more careful and precise interpretation of these expressions .
Its creators have claimed that Google's search results will improve by 10% . This is the most significant change added since RankBrain was implemented five years ago.
BERT is currently only available in the United States for searches in English, but it is expected to gradually become established in more countries and in different languages.
Google BERT Problems
Although this algorithm will solve part of the problem of prepositions, which until now, by not being recognized or taken into account, could completely change the hotmail email list meaning of the search, the company has assured that there is still a long way to go. This is because each word can have more than one meaning, which is why understanding the context is so important . It should be remembered that it will only improve 10% of the search results and it must be ensured, little by little, that this percentage increases considerably.
How Google BERT will affect B2B companies
For companies operating in the B2B sector, SEO is an essential tool for attracting their audience. The difference between B2C and B2B in terms of SEO is that while in a market aimed at the final public, positioning a price, an item or a service aims to attract the attention of someone who will surely access the transaction more or less impulsively, in a B2B environment, the target audience will surely need to go deeper into their search, so positioning is based on high-value content and the relationship between content and roles. The products and services of B2B companies are usually more complex and are not usually purchased on impulse but out of necessity. This is why searches are more specific and concrete than in the B2C sector.

In this respect, the Google BERT algorithm will benefit B2B companies . Being able to relate individual keywords to each other and associate them to understand their context will be of great value in ensuring accuracy in the results.
An example of a short-tail vs. long-tail keyword is “Thailand travel”. For the B2C sector, focused on the end customer, the keyword would be a short-tail keyword; “Thailand travel price”. On the other hand, for the B2B sector, it is more advisable to use long-tail keywords and a much more concrete and specific search. Thanks to this new algorithm, the search can be the following; “Wholesale travel provider to Thailand without intermediaries” and obtain the expected results, as well as the desired positioning.
Thanks to this new update, the title and description that guarantee the SEO positioning of a company will take on greater importance . For this reason, from Ipanema , as an Inbound Marketing agency specialized in the B2B sector, we recommend that you optimize your blog and the messages on your website as much as possible, taking into account the new characteristics of the BERT algorithm . In this way, you will improve its indexability in Google and guarantee a higher positioning in search engines.
But not only this, it will allow you to increase your visibility, improve your brand reputation and your SEO positioning and, above all, increase your sales possibilities.
January 2020 Core Update is coming : New Google algorithm update
With the start of the year, Google has made an update to its algorithm with a readjustment of its searches, the January 2020 Core Update is what it is called. Although this update has been announced, it has not yet been made available in all countries and we will have to stay tuned to find out how it will really affect us.
However, one thing is clear, as explained by SEO specialists in the United States, where this update has already been noticed, and that is that it is focused on assessing how their systems evaluate content in general. This will cause some pages to plummet in terms of positions. In addition to affecting, above all, mobile search results.