Below we list the points that need to be taken into account in general:
Chronological order : Your most recent experiences are the ones that will be of most interest to HR staff, so we recommend that you put them first. You can then continue listing your most relevant experiences for the application, fro poland consumer mobile number list are a candidate who pays attention to detail and will also make it easier for the recipient to read. Use your creativity to create an attractive CV. Being professional does not mean being boring.
What do we put first? : Continuing with the previous points, depending on whether your strength is training or experience, you can choose which section to put first. But remember that you must continue with the same format, both chronologically and structurally.
Optimize space : Surely all your experience is important, but in order to be able to “compete” with other candidates, it is important that you have the ability to summarize. It is best if your CV does not take up more than one page. The simpler you make it, the more chances you will have of your CV being read in its entirety.
Title of your CV : In the past, “Curriculum Vitae” was used as a title. Take advantage of psychology techniques and use your name and surname as the title, so that when HR staff read your CV, they will easily remember your application.

Photo, yes or no?: This is one of the questions that most concerns job seekers. It is true that candidates should be assessed based on the skills they can bring to the table, but various studies show that CVs that include a photo have more chances of reaching the interview stage.
Less is more : Don't include information that is not related to your work experience. It will detract from your professionalism.
Next, we will analyze all the parts that your CV should have in a more specific way:
1. Personal data.
– They should be in a visible place so that HR staff can find them easily. You can use small icons before each piece of data.
– The only data that should appear are:
Name and surname .
Mobile number : If you can't be reached by calling your landline, don't put it there.
Email : Must be a professional email address.
Home address : City and postal code must be entered, street and number will be omitted.