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Google Speed ​​Insight Errors

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:46 am
by Arzina111
Cumulative Layout Shift - CLS
Let's see the analysis with an example:

We can use the Google Page Insight tool to analyze all these metrics and see how a website behaves, how long it takes to load content.

Analyzing the El País website we can see that it has a good performance, since most of the metrics are optimized.

Google Speed ​​Insight Metrics
Also, thanks to Google Speed ​​Insight we can see the errors and changes that we should make to optimize these metrics that are essential to have a good browsing experience.

Other metrics to consider are:
Mobile adaptation: Mobile devices, tablets and smartphones, account for around 80% of Internet searches, which makes it essential for our website to be visible on them.
Safe browsing: Refers to the need for any user (adult or minor) to access the Internet with the guarantee that their rights are respected.
https protocol: It is an Internet list of central african republic consumer email communication protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of user data between their computers and the website.
Avoid intrusive elements : These are different elements such as confusing menus, navigation areas, a poor interface, etc. that affect web browsing and cause a bad user experience.
Core Web Vitals
This new June update to Google's algorithm will be called the Page Experience Algorithm Update and will introduce Core Web Vitals as an SEO ranking factor. All these changes will be introduced gradually to allow companies to adapt efficiently.


The changes to the search engine results pages (SERP) will not become noticeable until mid-August. This is because the aim is to monitor the full impact of this change so that the page experience is just one more positioning factor.

If your company has a marketing department, we recommend that you take into account the following points to adapt to this new change in the Google algorithm. Even so, keep in mind that in technical matters of SEO and web, it is best to put yourself in the hands of professionals and experts. At Bannister Global we can guide you to adapt your company's website to the new Google Page Experience .

“ Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first ” Wendy Piersall.