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Wordpress internal meshing: the 3 essential plug-ins

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 9:28 am
by Rajumlk63
Optimizing your internal linking for your website is useful for retaining your readers and improving your natural SEO. Here are our tips for optimizing your WordPress internal linking.

On WordPress, there are several tips that will allow you to optimize your internal mesh. For example:

Le plug-in Yoast
Le plug In YARPP
Managing WordPress Updates
As part of a natural SEO strategy for your website, we recall the 3 pillars of SEO : the technical base, the content and the popularity. In these pillars, optimizing your technical base also involves optimizing what is called internal meshing.

Internal linking on your internal site consists of inserting links that direct austria telemarketing data your readers to other blog articles, other pages promoting your services and that allow you to suggest other information and other web content that could interest your reader.

For example, if you are interested in internal linking, you will surely be interested in advice on how to optimize your SEO content strategy . The SEO experts at Agence Connecto provide you with their advice below to best optimize your internal linking on WordPress.

Basic functions offered by WordPress for internal linking
The basic functions of WordPress to optimize internal meshing are very limited. First, it is possible to add hyperlinks in a blog article. To do this, simply click on the small "add a link" button, insert a link manually in your web article and that's it.

But at this stage, we are not at all in SEO, only in content writing with a fairly basic function and offered by all CMS (website design software). To really improve your WordPress internal mesh with a view to improving natural referencing, you will have to draw on the plug-ins available in the library. WordPress.


The YARPP plugin for your WordPress internal mesh
On WordPress, there is a plugin called “ YARPP ” (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin).

This plugin has the effect of creating a box at the bottom of the page that is used to offer the user a little more content, based on the content of the page he is reading. For example, you will see at the bottom of this blog article that several content suggestions are made to you on other articles that might interest you.

This Plug-In is updated regularly, and it is possible to customize the display of your internal links: either in small thumbnails, or through a bullet list, you can customize the number of links.

Using the YARPP Plug-In on WordPress is therefore relatively simple and recommended to offer your reader new