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Omnichannel Marketing Automation: 4 Examples to Get You Started

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:21 am
by 125tomaa
What is omnichannel marketing automation ? From on-site navigation, to the store, through email and Facebook, what are the possible scenarios for a customer experience guided by marketing automation ? Let's see some examples .

On-site navigation. Personalization based on user recognition
On-site navigation ROPO (Reserach Online Purchase Off line) and TOPO (Try Offline Purchase On line). The truth is that people's experience has now reached a notable level of complexity: mobile internet, interactions mediated by technological devices but also many experiences in physical stores. Tracking all this is, without the right tools, an extremely complex operation. This is an example of how, recognizing you as an active member of its community, is able to calibrate its promotional proposal in a targeted way.

omnichannel marketing automation

How is it done? It is necessary to combine list of aruba consumer email the information in a single ID of the user registered on the site, together with a loyalty card to be used in the store. The marketing automation solution then takes care of tracking in a single Big Data system all this information, coming from different sources, to propose personalized products based on the purchase history, as well as contextual navigation.


‍Email Retargeting . Behavior-based win back strategies
When we talk about e-mail retargeting, we immediately think of recovering an abandoned cart in e-commerce: in reality, retargeting can also be done by re-proposing content that has been seen on the site, and why not, even with an invitation to go to the store. There are many examples that can be given, you will surely have already come across them. The important thing is not to limit yourself to considering only the behavior on emails (openings and clicks) to evaluate the engagement of a user. In mixed business models between e-commerce and retail, those who do not open communications do not necessarily stop buying. They simply prefer other channels and do not like e-mails, while remaining passionate about the brand.
Therefore, be careful to always have an omnichannel vision, and to track all interactions: a user who does not open an e-mail could have recently been to one of your stores!

Below we show you an example of Bonobos, a company that has made a lot of noise, not only for the creativity of its communication, but also for its very innovative bricks and mortar business model.