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How does consumer mood affect their decisions?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 7:01 am
by pappu9268
In recent years, there has been much debate about the impact of consumers' mood, not only in email marketing advertising , but in all media in general. However, the conclusion that most experts share is the same: consumers' mood affects their decision-making and the way they perceive advertising .

How we feel can change in many ways the way we malaysia mobile phone number list
perceive the world and the way we react to the different stimuli that brands can throw at us. Therefore, it is very important for brands to empathize and think about the mood their users may be in when impacting them, for example, with an email, when it comes to obtaining the expected results.

One of the most revealing insights from neuroscience is that social media is the least effective means of communication when it comes to absorbing advertising messages if the mood is not right. At first, it may be surprising given the huge boom that social media has had in recent years. However, if we stop to analyse the situation, it is true that when we browse social media we normally do not have any kind of intention to buy, but rather to chat, socialise or distract ourselves. Therefore, we are much less likely to be receptive to any message that a brand may send us.

This is where the difference between “going shopping” and “doing shopping” comes in . “Shopping” is a completely functional activity and a consequence of basic needs, such as going to the supermarket. Therefore, we are not in “spending” mode and we are not so attentive to the messages that brands may send us. On the other hand, “going shopping” means enjoying the purchasing process, having a much more open mind and therefore, being much more receptive to the advertising messages that they may send us, since in some cases it means saving money.


Without a doubt, our state of mind is not the same if we do something for pleasure or by choice, than if we do it because it is what we have to do. The same thing happens if you make purchases online. The mental disposition you have is totally different from the one you may have if you go shopping in physical stores. When a consumer explores different e-commerce sites online, they are much more receptive and open to everything that the brand can offer them, since there is a real interest in acquiring a product or service. Most of the time when we explore e-commerce sites, we are in “shopping” mode , but with the convenience of doing so from anywhere. This means that it is a choice based on the user’s state of mind and shows an interest that has to be well interpreted (and taken advantage of) by the brands.

This is where email marketing can have added value and can be the final trigger for a purchase . As we have already mentioned on many occasions, it is extremely important to know the users and know with what and when we should impact them. Through the analysis of their behavior, we must carry out a micro segmentation that allows us to offer them what they may really be interested in in the most personalized way possible.

If a user is browsing our e-commerce site and has started a purchase process, but has not finished it, it is a perfect time to send an email to that user who is not completely convinced about our products. In this way, playing on the card that we know that the user is in a receptive mood, convincing him to continue with the purchase process and not abandon the shopping cart will not be as complicated as winning a new potential customer.