The fact that they do not start a business does not mean that they do not value people who dare to do so. Although starting a business is perceived as a difficult path in Spain, 94% of those surveyed believe that the entrepreneurial spirit and values are positive for our economy and society. In addition, 90% would support the decision of a son or daughter wanting to open their own business, followed by 22% who would only support it if they believe they are well prepared.
When Spaniards are asked to choose an adjective that best describes an entrepreneur, the word chosen by 52% was “brave”, followed by “self-confident person” (42%) and “passionate” (40%). The adjective “ambitious” is the first choice for those under 25 years of age with 65%, but this opinion declines and is replaced by “brave” for the rest of the ages.
However, there are some points to consider: Almería and Tarragona have the highest percentages of negative responses (“No, it is not important for anyone”) with 20% and 12%; and public officials russia phone data have the highest negative percentage (8%), vs. business owners (4%). Double that! However, negative opinions are generally quite low and punctual.
Girona, the city with the greatest entrepreneurial spirit
The figures from the study reveal that, at a state level, Girona is the city in which the most inhabitants say they want to open a business, with 78% of those surveyed. On the other hand, Albacete is the place with the lowest desire for entrepreneurship, with 31%. Likewise, the city of La Mancha is the one in which there is a higher percentage of people who want to work for the public administration (45%).
Cordoba has the largest number of residents who want to work for a private company (44%).
The widespread perception of entrepreneurship
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