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How to Prevent APT?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:46 am
Monitoring Traffic:
Ensuring Strict Access Controls:
Use of Antivirus Software and Systems to Prevent Attacks:
2FA (Two Factor Authentication) Process:
Not to Interrupt Updates:
Training of Employees:
Use of Email Protection Tools:
Continuously Scanning in the Background:
As technology develops, the number of cyber threats increases new zealand telegram number accordingly. Among cyber threats, APT, also known as advanced persistent threat, is a type of cyber threat that is difficult to detect and keeps cyber hackers unnoticed in the system for a long time during the attack.

APT attacks are the reason why companies experience frequent outages and the unknown causes of these outages. APT attacks can also cause companies to experience data loss, infrastructure sabotage, service outages and site takeovers. Unlike online threats, APTs focus on a single specific target. Unlike companies, APTs can often target countries, defense and telecommunications institutions or embassies.

Rather than hit-and-run tactics, APTs try to steal any data they want from the system without showing any signs of movement in the system and try to stay inside as much as possible. APT attacks are causing serious financial problems for many companies today because they steal their data. The most worrying point about APT attacks is that they are not detected by security measures and are permanently present in the system.

Attackers using APT attacks often target smaller supply chains owned by larger companies that have fewer precautions in place to harm larger companies. For this reason, it is very important to know how to neutralize and detect APT attacks.

How Does APT Work?
There are stages that APTs follow. First of all, the process that starts with the hacking of any network, APT cannot be detected in any way. After this stage, the attackers map the company data and then start the data collection process to find sensitive data, accessible and weak points of the company.