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Examples to take advantage of testing Email Marketing on other channels

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:54 am
by pappu9268
Unlike testing programs on other channels, where it is necessary to invest considerable time to obtain significant conclusions , in email marketing we can test and obtain results in little more than one or two days .

In this way, we can take advantage of the learning that comes from testing in email marketing to optimize other channels. We are not advocating eliminating testing on landing pages, banners or catalogs, but rather taking advantage of the insights that email can offer us in a short time to improve conversions on other channels.

We must bear in mind that our database is the best sample of users we have and with whom we can interact directly and precisely. Thus, we have the ability to learn how different types france mobile phone number list of profiles (customers, prospects, loyal customers, inactive customers, etc.) behave when faced with different types of messages and offers. Just a few hours after an A/B test, we can observe whether prospects are more likely to convert with an incentive based on a discount or other benefit, for example, and transfer this learning to direct conversion channels (for example, in performance actions). Other examples of how to take advantage of this advantage of the email channel and transfer it to other channels are:

• Recognize which copy most persuades users to interact with the email. This can then be used as a starting point for writing PPC ad copy.

• Detecting which offer attracts inactive customers the most can be useful for defining the offer in retmarketing actions.

• Let's suppose that after an A/B test on an email we detect that an emotional tone in the subject line copy generates more sales than a neutral tone. Why not take advantage of this learning when defining the headlines for our site, blog or banners?


• If we detect that an email with 3 products generates more sales than one with 5, we can replicate this learning to recommendation messages (you may also be interested in…).

• What converts more, the image of a garment alone or being worn by a real mannequin? We can quickly identify if there are differences between both versions using an AB test and, if applicable, apply what we find to the rest of the banners and visuals we have on other channels.