Content Marketing: The 6 Big Lies

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Content Marketing: The 6 Big Lies

Post by rokassha.k.h@11 »

Every day we hear more and more about content marketing , more and more experts emerge, lies are told, half-truths or simply advice is given that makes you think that simply by having a blog you are going to become a guru of something.

Since I think there is an overdose of information regarding this topic, I don't want to write advice in this post on how to succeed with your content.

I just want to demystify some things I have seen written so that we can start being realistic and learn to filter the information we receive, avoiding information overload.

Content marketing is not about having a blog or writing like crazy, ecuador mobile phone numbers database it is a strategy that involves a process that begins with research, goes through creation and ends with the measurement of results and achievement of objectives.

That's why I've compiled a list of what I consider to be the great inventions that have been woven around content marketing.

We expose the big lies of content marketing

We expose the big lies of content marketing
1. To attract customers you just have to give them good content
Welcome to the big lie of the content marketing world!

We have all read millions of posts that talk about the importance of content in these times.

That's true, content creation is very important to make yourself known and generate trust in your brand.

The biggest mistake happens when you think that you just have to write and that's it, this is a lie!

No matter how good you are, you either know the rules for promoting that content properly at the right time, place and to the right audience, or you're wasting your time.

Content is not a magnet that attracts people, what attracts them is the quality, the dissemination you make of it and your efforts in promoting it.

Think about it; it's like if I write a macro thesis on the veracity of man's arrival on the moon, if I leave it saved on my hard drive, no matter how good it is, only I will read it.

Or I publish it on this Semrush blog where the readers are not passionate about the moon, because it is a sure fact that I will not have any success.

To reach you I need to know you, let you know that I have written this and also do it in the appropriate channels and with the appropriate vocabulary.
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