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Share of voice The benefit for us of prioritizing

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:38 am
by rabhasan018542
Graph showing keyword distribution, with a purple line highlighting the average position over time. This graph underscores one of the risks of focusing too heavily on rank as the primary success metric. While average position (the purple line) shows a decline in average position, we can see in the stacked columns that not only is the total number of ranking keywords growing, it’s also growing nicely in positions 1-3 (the blue segment at the top), as well as positions 4-10 (the orange segment 2nd from top).

Just not enough to keep up with newly ranking keywords further down in the SERPs. saudi arabia business email list Correlating ranking changes to ranking keyword count was paramount to continuing this campaign. While we track and report on average position over time, we certainly don’t lead with it. Instead, we focus on metrics that more directly correlate to traffic and conversions, which positions us for demonstrating positive ROI of the campaign. The metrics that matter for us are share of voice (a search volume-weighted CTR model) and Moz Page Authority.

share of voice over ranking is that it normalizes dramatic shifts in time series reports based on ranking fluctuations from low-volume queries. Ranking reports, as we all know, can be a serious roller coaster. Share of voice, on the other hand, aligns with an estimated traffic model, expressed as a percentage of total traffic for the keyword set. Graph showing share of voice over time with a control.