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How to set up local campaigns on Facebook Ads?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:29 am
by boxacak129
Local Facebook Ads campaigns correspond to geolocalized advertisements visible to Internet users when browsing Facebook. They highlight local points of sale and encourage consumers to go to the store or to contact the store.

Local advertising on Facebook Ads has many benefits, the first being the reach thanks to the 2.4 billion daily active users and an average post engagement rate of 3.91% 1 .

Also, did you know that 28.2% of Internet users portugal mobile phone number list discover brands on social networks 2 and that 62% of users say they are more interested in a product after seeing it in a Facebook story 3 ? Local Facebook digital advertising is therefore a reliable way to attract customers' attention. But then how do you set up local campaigns on Facebook Ads ? All the answers below.

1. Define the strategy for your local Facebook digital campaign
2. The steps for setting up a Facebook Ads campaign
3. Use a local campaign management platform

Define the strategy for your local Facebook digital campaign

1. Define the strategy for your local Facebook digital campaign
To set up geolocalized advertising campaigns on Facebook Ads, you must start by precisely defining the strategy for each of your campaigns.

To do this you need to determine the following items:

Objectives : What are the objectives of your local advertising? Is it to generate traffic to points of sale or leads, to develop your local visibility and therefore your notoriety or to recruit?
Targets : What is your ideal target? Your core target? What age groups? In what geographical areas? What are their socio-professional categories?
Message : What is the content, the text, of your local advertising? What illustrations will you use and in what formats (story, post, carousel, etc.)?
Performance tracking : How will you track the results of your campaign? With which tools? How often? And when to readjust if necessary?
By precisely defining the strategy of your local Facebook Ads campaign , you optimize its results and therefore your return on investment .

Did you know that 78% of marketers consider Facebook to be the most effective platform to achieve their business goals 3 ? In the example below we can see a local ad from the ice cream parlor Razpachos that highlights its in-store promotions. The brand specifies that it attracted 30 to 40% of its customers in points of sale thanks to Facebook 4 .

Don’t wait any longer to get started too!

Local advertising for the Razpachos ice cream parlor to highlight its promotions at points of sale

Local advertising for the Razpachos ice cream parlor to
highlight its promotions at points of sale

The steps for setting up a Facebook Ads campaign

2. The steps for setting up a Facebook Ads campaign
Once you have defined your geolocalized advertising campaign strategy, go to Facebook Ads to set it up by following these steps:

Prerequisites : Start by creating local Facebook pages for each of your points of sale in your Facebook Business Manager profile. This step is essential to then geolocate your local ads.
Open Ads Manager.
Click on “ Create a campaign ”.
Choose the objective for your local Facebook campaign . Facebook Ads recently updated its objective categories by grouping together certain features. If you used to click on “ point of sale traffic ”, you now have to choose the “ awareness ” objective. Don’t worry, you will find the same tools to attract customers to the store .
Complete the content of your local advertising : message, images, video, design, formats, etc.
Click on " Audience ". Here you will specify the segmentation of your targets to achieve your objectives. 3 choices are available to you: "people living or having recently lived here", those "residing in the surrounding area" or those "passing through".
Within "Audience", then click on " Locations " to define the broadcast areas for your local digital advertising. You can choose your broadcast area in two ways: by indication (country, city, department, postal code, etc.) or by a geographic radius around your points of sale .
We recommend this second option. To configure it, click on " store location features ". You will find your local Facebook pages there , with the addresses of your establishments. You can thus determine a kilometer radius around each point of sale to broadcast your geolocated advertisements.
Complete a call to action directed toward your in-store traffic goal: “get directions” or “call.”
Check all the elements

And there you have it, your local Facebook Ads campaign is launched!

Facebook Ads interface to configure your campaigns

Facebook Ads interface
to configure your campaigns

Use a local campaign management platform

3. Use a local campaign management platform
Defining and implementing local Facebook Ads campaigns therefore involves different steps that must be followed scrupulously. When managing a network with many points of sale, this local customization can quickly become time-consuming.

To make your life easier and save time, you can rely on a local campaign management platform .

With a platform like Digitaleo, you can automate the local customization of your campaigns and let traffic managers optimize your entire network's campaigns for you to maximize your chances of success. You also prepare ready-to-use local ad templates that your network can customize with their own photos (achievements, teams, products in stock) and activate in just a few clicks.

Digitaleo Platform for the Sponsored Campaigns module

Digitaleo Platform for the Sponsored Campaigns module

In addition, the local campaign management platform offers you local performance monitoring and transparent invoicing for each point of sale. You even have the option of topping up local investments through a coupon system. Everything is thus combined to help your establishments gain visibility and therefore develop their turnover.

With a Facebook Ads local campaign management platform, your local visibility is optimal and, above all, managed by experts on the subject!
