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Although it is obviously difficult

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:49 am
by boxacak129
to control what is said on these platforms, particularly because of the increase in anonymous profiles and the scale of viral content, there are some good practices to apply to protect your image.

Start by creating and sharing positive content about your brand: one positive review attracts another! Show your customers that other people are talking about their experience with your brand and thank them publicly. On social networks, we can quickly be tempted to follow trends, but beware of “bad buzz”. Stay authentic and constructive in your communications, whether on your posts, in comments or in private messages. By cultivating your brand image, you will build a community of subscribers who are like you and you will create a feeling of proximity with your (future?) customers.

Also, be responsive. Moderate your comments and messages , especially ivory coast phone number library when questions or complaints are sent to you. When a customer posts a review online and for everyone to see, it is very often to get your attention. Responding to the review shows future readers that you have taken the feedback into account and that you have tried to find a solution. For the author of the review, with your response he feels listened to and this can in some cases resolve the conflict, or even cause the author to delete his negative review. In any case, ignorance can permanently corrupt your relationship with your customers, so there is never a good reason not to respond to your negative reviews.

social networks online reputation management response comment

Example of a full response to a user's comment on Instagram

As you will have understood, your e-reputation does not only rely on customer reviews and comments left here and there. To protect it, you must watch over it and analyze what is said about you, but also and above all, you must act. Respond to your reviews, collect new ones, animate your social platforms.