B2B Content Marketing Strategy: 5 FAQs (Part 2)
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 3:59 am
Content Marketing
In our article B2B Content Marketing Strategy: 5 Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1) , we showed some of the doubts that company decision-makers usually have when starting a content marketing strategy .
In this second installment, we expand on this information, involving 5 additional frequently asked questions, to give greater scope to your questions on the subject so that you can successfully execute this strategy in your business.
Once again, we spoke with María del Rosario Rodríguez, Marketing and Sales Leader at Castleberry Media . This is what she had to say.
Q: What formats should be used to start a content marketing strategy? Is there one that is more recommended?
Content formats
María del Rosario Rodríguez : It depends on the audience you are targeting. Therefore, you need to understand who your target audience is in order to know what type of format will engage them the most.
So, here the most advisable thing is to do a deep benchmark chief vp sales marketing officers email lists to understand what type of content is engaging the audience and what is needed to reach those people. To do this, you have to do several things.
Study the content referents for your audience . For example, competitors, suppliers, or any other type of company that targets your same audience. It is important to understand what they are doing; what type of content they are sharing and what formats they use. From that, you can assess which ones have been the most successful or have generated the most engagement.
Be clear about who your audience is and what type of content they read. At this point, you need to evaluate which content or formats your audience shares the most, what they read the most, and what generates the greatest engagement.
Consider the generational aspect of your target audience . Clearly, reaching an audience made up of a large number of young people is not the same as reaching an audience made up of older people. It is well known that young people today are more interested in interactive content such as videos and infographics, an interest that is not necessarily shared by older people.
Know the objectives of your content strategy . It is not the same when the objective is traffic, branding, getting leads, etc. If what you want is to get leads, it may be more useful to create content such as ebooks , whitepapers or reports, which are content that can be published and exchanged for an action. For example: if a person wants to download the content, they can do so by leaving their contact information.
Form for downloading content
With this prior study, you can define exactly what format you need. At Castleberry Media , for example, we analyze these factors to understand what types of formats are the most successful. Once we do this research, we move on to creating the content strategy , assigning the ideal formats to each content vertical.
Q: A blog is one of the best channels to deliver content to your audience. What should be considered when launching one?
Content blog
MR : The first thing to consider is the technical aspects. You have to evaluate how your page is doing in terms of performance; if the speed is good, if it offers an excellent user experience, if it doesn't have broken links, etc. We, for example, work with the PageSpeed Insights platform , which helps us understand how the page is performing, and if it is failing in some things, it tells us exactly what and how it can be corrected.
Another aspect to evaluate is the design. The blog must have a very defined structure, be user-friendly and visually pleasing. It must also include calls to actions that support the entire reading theme and the conversion process. Likewise, a sitemap must be implemented and platforms such as Google Analytics or any other that allow the evaluation of the performance of the content must be used, since measurement is very important.
In our article B2B Content Marketing Strategy: 5 Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1) , we showed some of the doubts that company decision-makers usually have when starting a content marketing strategy .
In this second installment, we expand on this information, involving 5 additional frequently asked questions, to give greater scope to your questions on the subject so that you can successfully execute this strategy in your business.
Once again, we spoke with María del Rosario Rodríguez, Marketing and Sales Leader at Castleberry Media . This is what she had to say.
Q: What formats should be used to start a content marketing strategy? Is there one that is more recommended?
Content formats
María del Rosario Rodríguez : It depends on the audience you are targeting. Therefore, you need to understand who your target audience is in order to know what type of format will engage them the most.
So, here the most advisable thing is to do a deep benchmark chief vp sales marketing officers email lists to understand what type of content is engaging the audience and what is needed to reach those people. To do this, you have to do several things.
Study the content referents for your audience . For example, competitors, suppliers, or any other type of company that targets your same audience. It is important to understand what they are doing; what type of content they are sharing and what formats they use. From that, you can assess which ones have been the most successful or have generated the most engagement.
Be clear about who your audience is and what type of content they read. At this point, you need to evaluate which content or formats your audience shares the most, what they read the most, and what generates the greatest engagement.
Consider the generational aspect of your target audience . Clearly, reaching an audience made up of a large number of young people is not the same as reaching an audience made up of older people. It is well known that young people today are more interested in interactive content such as videos and infographics, an interest that is not necessarily shared by older people.
Know the objectives of your content strategy . It is not the same when the objective is traffic, branding, getting leads, etc. If what you want is to get leads, it may be more useful to create content such as ebooks , whitepapers or reports, which are content that can be published and exchanged for an action. For example: if a person wants to download the content, they can do so by leaving their contact information.
Form for downloading content
With this prior study, you can define exactly what format you need. At Castleberry Media , for example, we analyze these factors to understand what types of formats are the most successful. Once we do this research, we move on to creating the content strategy , assigning the ideal formats to each content vertical.
Q: A blog is one of the best channels to deliver content to your audience. What should be considered when launching one?
Content blog
MR : The first thing to consider is the technical aspects. You have to evaluate how your page is doing in terms of performance; if the speed is good, if it offers an excellent user experience, if it doesn't have broken links, etc. We, for example, work with the PageSpeed Insights platform , which helps us understand how the page is performing, and if it is failing in some things, it tells us exactly what and how it can be corrected.
Another aspect to evaluate is the design. The blog must have a very defined structure, be user-friendly and visually pleasing. It must also include calls to actions that support the entire reading theme and the conversion process. Likewise, a sitemap must be implemented and platforms such as Google Analytics or any other that allow the evaluation of the performance of the content must be used, since measurement is very important.