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Brick Media Reframes Their Messaging to Ensure Their Content Hits the Right Notes

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:24 am
by Raihan8
In the COVID-19 era, companies have to be very careful about the way that they speak to prospects and customers. Audiences are understandably sensitive right now. Approaching a topic from the wrong angle or using the wrong messaging could have long-term consequences for any brand.

Companies should tone down the hard-sales messaging. Instead, they should focus on being helpful, selfless, and valuable. You want to be seen as a brand that is genuinely here to help, not one that is simply looking to pad their bottomline.

That’s how Jake Kurtz, the founder of Brick Media, approached this situation.

What you do today will reflect on your brand tomorrow. The importance thai phone numbers of your brand’s reputation doesn’t diminish just because people have their focus on other things — and your reputation will still be there when the dust settles.

Brick Media is advising their clients to publish content that is positive in tone and empathetic to the current environment. They want to invoke a warm feeling in their client’s audiences. When you create happy engagements during troubling times, that stands out. And they know their client’s audiences will love them more for it.

"At Brick Media we manage the content strategy for 15+ clients at once. The main adjustment with Coronavirus has been making sure every piece of content goes through an extra “filter”. With every post, we ask ourselves if it feels too tone deaf for the situation at hand.

The entire nation is struggling with this unique adjustment to daily life, and we feel that any content we put out on behalf of our clients should be helpful, selfless, and valuable. After this is over, your brand‘s reputation will still be just as important, and we want to make sure our clients are viewed by their audiences in a positive light. A warm and fuzzy feeling long-term is better than short-term profits with damage to long-term reputation."