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Instead of spending time on numerous small tasks

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:56 am
by ahbappy.852
Attending numerous meetings that do not produce concrete results can be replaced with short reports or emails.
Optimize your workflow.
Applying the 80/20 rule helps you focus on improving key aspects of your work. A manager should constantly look for ways to optimize processes so that you can focus on the activities that bring the most value.
Example: it is better to focus on strategic planning and working with key partners.
Regularly review priorities.
It is important to periodically review your tasks and determine which ones continue to deliver results and which ones require revision. This helps you stay flexible and adapt to changes in the business.
Example: A monthly analysis of task performance allows you to understand which tasks can be cut and which ones require more attention.
An example of applying the 80/20 rule:
A software company discovered that 20% of its customers were bringing in the bulk philippine number of its revenue. The manager decided to focus on working with these customers, offering them additional services and support. This resulted in a significant increase in profits without having to expand the customer base.

Application of the 80/20 rule helps managers focus on the most important aspects of the business and eliminate secondary tasks that do not bring real value. This allows you to not only manage your time better, but also achieve more significant results with less effort.

Workday planning: how to avoid chaos and stress
A well-planned workday is the basis for any manager’s productivity. Without a clear plan, it is easy to get bogged down in a routine, lose focus, and feel like the day has been wasted. Good planning allows you not only to cope with a multitude of tasks, but also to maintain control over your time, avoiding stress and overload.