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A company facing a cyberattack immediately activates

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:26 am
by ahbappy.852
Example: A company develops a disaster response plan that includes backup suppliers, insurance for property damage, and recovery from the crisis.
Creation of reserves and reserve capacities. In order to survive periods of crisis, it is important to have financial reserves and alternative resources that will help to continue work even under restrictions.
Example: A company creates a reserve fund that can be used to cover expenses in the event of a decline in revenue or unexpected costs.
Rapid response. It is important to respond to crisis situations quickly and effectively. This includes both internal actions (team mobilization, supply management, IT system recovery) and external communications (communication with clients, partners, investors).
Example: a crisis plan that includes informing customers, restoring data, and strengthening security systems.
Employee training and communication management. In crisis situations, coordinated teamwork is especially important. Regular training and modeling of possible crises help prepare employees for work in stressful conditions.
Example: A company holds regular crisis training sessions for employees so that philippine cellphone number code everyone knows their tasks and responsibilities.
Maintaining and restoring trust. Restoring the trust of customers and partners after a crisis is an important step in getting out of a difficult situation. Companies that openly admit their mistakes, take steps to correct them, and offer compensation can maintain their reputation and even strengthen loyalty.
Example: After a technology failure, a company provides customers with compensation in the form of discounts or additional services, which helps restore trust.
An example of successful crisis management: One of the large international companies, faced with a cyberattack, disabled its services for several days. However, thanks to a pre-developed plan and prompt actions, the company was able to restore operations, minimize losses and provide customers with compensation for inconvenience. This allowed them to maintain customer loyalty and even attract new ones.