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It is always said that it is very important to improve our organic positioning and to work heavily on our SEO: doubts arise when we have to decide how to do it. There are many techniques, and in this post we will focus on how to use Wikipedia to improve our organic positioning.
Why is Wikipedia ranked so well?
According to a study by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Wikipedia is the main source of scientific information on the Internet . Knowing this, it is inevitable to ask: why does Wikipedia rank so well? The conclusion we reached is that it is due, among others, to the following SEO factors:
Its content is generated collaboratively by its users, and this makes it unique, very concise in its terms and with great detail.
Pages are written around a topic or term , which means that the bulk sms canada pages are focused on related keywords (generic, long tail , semantically related). The structure also helps, since they organize the information through titles and sections (equivalent to H1, H2, H3…) and encourage quick reading through bullet points, table of contents, tables, numbered lists, images…
It works hard on its internal links , since it complements the information in its wikis by linking to other internal pages .
It enjoys high authority, which it distributes in large quantities through Link Juice , as a consequence of the above. Feedback from quality external websites that link to each other is essential.
In this way, we are faced with a domain with 100/100 authority, too robust to be able to change the search trend, but with great importance to be able to benefit from it .
How to use Wikipedia as an SEO tool?
Given its importance and authority, Wikipedia seems like a good place to promote your website or receive some of its influence, but achieving this is more complicated than it seems.
In fact, despite being a collaborative platform, it has a large number of volunteer editors and moderators who, due to their experience, have accumulated the necessary reputation to supervise and modify wiki content, restore previous versions, etc. And at the same time, they will try to prevent it from being used as an advertising medium, so they eliminate any sign of advertising or bad practices .
Therefore, if we write an article about our company on one of their pages —or link to our corporate website, with no apparent connection—, they will probably delete our post or link, thus causing an edit war that will harm us. Although this does not mean that it is impossible to appear on Wikipedia and take advantage of its authority , but that we must be more patient and strategic.