And, believe it or not, it is very owner/partner/shareholder email lists easy to make the mistake of sending emails with repetitive subjects, since -after sending them so constantly- you do not have the time or the ingenuity to create, day after day, emails with original and attractive subjects. For example, it is very easy to fall into the typical and conventional "The best new releases of January", and soon "The best new releases of February". This example, among other similar ones, is simple, but it is not effective.
Therefore, to avoid these situations, in this article we are going to give you a series of tips to encourage that, in those two seconds in which the user decides whether or not to open your email (based on how attractive your subject line is), they actually decide to give you the opportunity to show them what you can offer them.

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Best practices to attract users based on email marketing subjects
Subject containing questions
Matter that incites urgency
Custom Subject
Full subject
Best practices to attract users based on email marketing subjects
First of all, before we delve into the different types of subject lines you can use depending on the message you want to convey to your users, we are going to recommend a series of subject line strategies that you can try with your subscribers, to analyze the level of response to them.
Use short subject lines in your emails: and the explanation for this is simple. As we have already mentioned on many other occasions, it is increasingly common for users to check their emails on the way to work, waiting for the bus, or in the waiting room of a doctor's office; that is, at times when - in their busy daily lives - they can disconnect for a few moments. Therefore, it is most likely that they check their inbox from their mobile phone. Thus, to avoid text breaks or bad displays, we recommend that you be concise in your subject and, above all, brief.
Personalize your Email Marketing subjects: if there is one thing we know for sure, it is that personalization has been shown to improve opening rates on numerous occasions, and if you add to that specific automatic combinations, such as actions on your users' birthdays with personalized congratulations, or with purchase follow-ups, the result (without a doubt) will be much more fruitful.
Be descriptive: try to communicate the benefits of your promotions in a descriptive and clear way at all costs. As we have seen in the previous strategies, it is more advisable to be brief and, if we add to this being descriptive, we have it easy: be direct, get to the point and do not get carried away with modern but uninspiring advertising slogans.
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However, the strategies we have given you above are undoubtedly effective and efficient, but that does not mean that it is not advisable for you to carry out the relevant tests yourself to ensure their return. How? For example, with A/B tests that show you the impact of these strategies on the opening rates of your databases.
Once we have seen the basic and essential characteristics that your subject line should contain, we will move on to see the different types of subject lines that, combined with the previous characteristics, you should be able to combine following our recommendations:
Subject containing questions
Questions are usually very successful and generate a high opening rate . A question is a good way to attract the customer, since we assume that they do not know the answer and that this will encourage them to open the message.
And, to make matters worse, we must add that the subject of your email does not necessarily have to be related to the product or service you want to promote, as long as - as the user reads on - you manage to connect both themes, and the newsletter makes sense.
Matter that incites urgency
By adding “urgent” or “last chance” to your subject line, for example, you will be able to capture your readers’ attention at first glance; something that, we remember, is essential for the user to decide to stop by your email. In this way, what we achieve is to incite action through a countdown that will make it very clear that, in order to take advantage of the offer, they must take action as quickly as possible, or they will lose the opportunity.
Custom Subject
By personalizing your emails, you make your recipient feel like you are speaking directly to them, i.e., “one-on-one.” In a way, it is a great way to show your customers that you know them and care about their interests, tastes, and needs.
For example, let’s imagine that we receive an email with the subject line “This August, the best offers.” What does this email make you think? Do you, as the recipient, think you would open it? Or… wait, let me put you in a new situation: imagine that you receive a second email with the subject line “Carlos, this August is thinking of you.” What do you think? Don’t you think that this second message will have a much higher chance of being opened than the first one? And, if you look closely, the essence is the same. In other words, what we are saying to the user is exactly the same, since in both subjects we are talking to the user about the offers that our brand has for the month of August. However, depending on how you say it and the more or less suitable words you choose, the result can be very different.
We are talking about a term that is not so well known in Email Marketing: the SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
Full subject
And finally, we want to talk to you about one last type of email subject that you will surely consider to be contrary to the basic characteristic of “being brief” in your Email Marketing subjects. However, there is a last very specific categorization of email subjects that we can classify as “ full subject ”. In this, what we do is use all the possible characters to concentrate on the main message of the message, losing the need to open the email to discover the rest of the news. It is useful, for example, in the case of emails that contain corporate news or press releases, since -with a good headline- the user will be able to know the essence of the news in full.