What are the biggest challenges of digital marketing ? What goals are digital marketers trying to achieve?
Find out in this article.
Receive Statistics to compare your performance and Strategies to improve.
Let's get into that.
Main challenges of digital marketing
We've compiled a list of the top digital marketing challenges we've encountered while talking to our customers, marketers, and reading digital marketing research.
Do you have the same challenges? If so, stay until the end of the articles where we share strategies to help you achieve your goals.
Learning about customers;
Keeping up with changes in social media platforms and SEO;
Generating qualified leads ;
Telling great stories;
Quality Scale Content Creation ;
Compliance with privacy and data sharing kazakhstan business email list regulations;
Development of Mobile-First strategies;
Establishing an omnichannel marketing strategy;
Maintain brand consistency across all platforms;
Choosing the right marketing channels;
Keeping up with new skill sets that are needed;
Measure results correctly;
Digital marketing challenges
Be more specific
Check out our research on more specific areas of digital marketing:
Challenges, objectives, statistics and content creation strategies;
Social Media Marketing Challenges, Objectives and Statistics;
YouTube Shorts Statistics .
Digital marketing objectives
Second, let’s take a look at the most common digital marketing goals and KPIs that marketers are setting. Are you overlooking goals that make sense for you? You can always add them to your dashboard.
Check out this free resource if you need help with setting goals and KPIs .
Create x number of articles per month;
Create x amount of educational content;
Improve ROI by x %;
Improve ROAS by x%;
Increase domain authority by percentage points;
Increase brand awareness by x %;
Grow social media followers by x %;
Increase organic traffic by x %;
Improve Lead to MQL ratio by x %;
Improve MQL to SQL ratio by x%;
Acquire x % of new customers per month;
Retain x% of existing customers.
Main objectives of digital marketing
Digital Marketing Statistics
Let’s proceed by reviewing some digital marketing statistics so you can see how trends are evolving, how you compare to others, and what next steps you might take.
33% of marketers who do not use automation or artificial intelligence (AI) plan to do so in 2022 ( source );
46% of companies reported that they want to increase their spending on content creation in 2022 ( source );
45% of marketers plan to invest in social responsibility campaigns ( source );
42% of marketers plan to increase budget on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) ( source );
The top three roles marketing leaders will prioritize when hiring are content creators, content marketing managers, and content strategists.
( fountain );
People have twice as many interactions with brands on mobile devices than anywhere else ( source );
57% of users report that they would not recommend a company with a poorly designed mobile site ( source );
63% of content marketers use their content strategy to retain existing customers ( source );
An estimated 120 million people listen to podcasts each month ( source );