Without a doubt, these are contents that are not purely commercial, nor do they try -only- to sell a product as such, but rather, above all, they try to tell a story that reaches deep into their audience, generating a connection with them.
And that is exactly what we are going to talk about in our article today. Because, even though the star medium for telling stories is television, it is true that this technique (which we are going to start calling, from now on, storytelling) is equally applicable to the rest of the media.
One of them, Email Marketing .
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What is storytelling?
What advantages does storytelling offer in email marketing?
What do you need to plan before generating story-based email content?
1.- Know your user
2.- Set optimal KPIs
3.- Define a tone and style of message
What is storytelling?
We can define the storytelling technique as the ability to tell stories that make the brand connect with the user and generate a bond with them , making them feel more strongly the message you are sharing with them.
For example, let's imagine that we coo email list want to communicate, through an advertising campaign, that we are going to stop producing our star product from plastics. To do this, instead of communicating the action itself, we go back to tell what made us take this decision, and how we are contributing -in this way- to the protection of the environment. In other words, we tell a much deeper story.
Why is Email Marketing so effective for companies?
The goal of all this is none other than to make the recipient of the message understand our content in a different way , so that they don't feel like just another user in your database, from whom you only expect them to consume your product and increase your sales. The goal of storytelling is to delve into the deepest part of the user , making them remember our message over time, and -also in this way- generating greater engagement and consideration for your brand.
What advantages does storytelling offer in email marketing?
Although, as we said above, the leading medium in storytelling is television commercials, it is undeniable that it is also a technique that can (and should) be applied in Email Marketing.

In this way, it presents some advantages that we cannot ignore, and which are the following:
Improve the brand image that users may have about your business.
Generate greater engagement
Draw more of your user's attention to your message
It remains in time
What do you need to plan before generating story-based email content?
If there is one thing we have clear before starting to work on our email content (which we know in advance that we are going to focus on through storytelling), it is the following:
1.- Know your user
First of all, it is necessary to know as deeply as possible what our buyer persona is like , because - based on that - we can focus our content in one way or another. For example, let's take a very silly example, but one that we are sure we understand: in our business, after many months of research, we have found the necessary elements to create a waterproof sunscreen, and we decided to communicate it to our community of users. But, in that message, we are going to address a cluster of users who live in Valladolid; where, remember, there is no beach. Do you think that the impact of your news will be as successful as you hope it will be, when your recipient does not even consider going to the beach, or at least not as deeply as, for example, a user who lives in Valencia might?
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Hence, the importance of -first of all- knowing all the particularities, tastes and differences of your user.
2.- Set optimal KPIs
Secondly, you also have to set a series of KPIs or campaign objectives , which are always -as it could not be otherwise- aligned with the general objectives of your brand.
3.- Define a tone and style of message
And finally, before you unleash your creative team, you need to set a tone and style . A tone and style that is exactly how your user wants to read or see the content in your email messages. In other words, create a creative brief that is as detailed as possible (and, of course, make use of research and references to serve as inspiration for your creative team).
Only in this way will you obtain results and a campaign proposal that is as ad hoc as possible and as appropriate to the audience you are going to come into contact with. Remind them, too, of the importance (and basis of storytelling), which is the emotional stimulus that must remain , at all times, in the content you work on.
In short: any Email Marketing tool , whether ours or any other, that knows where consumer behavior tends, will recommend that you use storytelling in your email messages, because a well-told and attractive story will make any message reach your user much more effectively.