Let's say you want to collect more email addresses for your contact list. This is easy enough to do with a pop-up.
However, simply asking people to share their contact information doesn't always work. People are tired of overflowing inboxes, so many will only give up their emails if there's some benefit to doing so.
Modernizing the content could help.
Or maybe you want to increase the time spent on your site. You create brand awareness and build relationships with your visitors.
Consider using an exit popup to suggest posts related to the one your visitor just read. This will keep them on your site for longer periods of time, which may even lead to a quicker sale.
Finally, you can always use exit-intent pop-ups to promote your products. Choose your flagship or best-selling product to highlight. Consider pairing the ad with a discount, free shipping offer, or some other incentive. If true, you can even warn visitors that you have limited stock, which will create urgency.
4. Use These 10 Specific Mental Triggers to Increase Conversions
Psychology becomes extremely useful in marketing, especially when writing great copy and including visual cues. Even the smallest detail can convey a message to your audience.
We've compiled 10 specific mental triggers that can help push your visitors over the conversion barrier. They won't work every time or with every buyer persona, but they'll help push the numbers up.
Think of a mental trigger as a subliminal message. These are subtle but powerful signals that your audience won’t necessarily notice on a conscious level, but will still help you convince them to take your offer.
Just remember to keep your specific audience in mind. Some of these mental triggers may not appeal to your target audience due to their values, beliefs, shopping style, or other unique qualities.
Always design your exit popups with your audience in mind. You can't go wrong.
1. Add a progress bar to exit popups
A progress bar — especially an animated one — can be incredibly motivating. People like to complete tasks, cross items off lists, and feel like they've done something. A progress bar appeals to this instinct , making your whatsapp number indian popup forms more engaging.
Add a progress bar to exit popups
Think of progress bars as motivation to complete the next desired step. If it shows that the visitor is already halfway through the process, even better.

We don't like to leave things undone. If we see that we are close to achieving a goal - even if someone else created it for us - we instinctively strive to complete it.
This type of incentive works especially well when signing up for an email newsletter. P Potential customers will be more likely to participate since it only takes a second to enter their email address and complete the sign-up process.
Additionally, an animated progress bar draws attention to itself. Something that users might otherwise skip becomes the central focus of the page. This entices the visitor to do something about it.
2. Use high quality images in pop-ups.
Images are an important and often overlooked element of any marketing asset. This is especially true for exit pop-ups.
You need an attractive, eye-catching visual element that will make the visitor take a second look. If you just type a few boring sentences into a pop-up, your visitors may not even notice it.
Consider including an unexpected image that will catch your potential customers off guard. It doesn't have to be irreverent or even funny, but it may seem out of place in the context of your site.