Teleworking: How you can save on expenses

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Teleworking: How you can save on expenses

Post by sakib30 »

In this post we tell you some tips on how to save money while working remotely, such as taking advantage of natural light or choosing efficient electronic devices.

The rise in the price of electricity does not have to affect workers germany phone number data if they follow some tips to save on expenses.
Choosing efficient electronic devices and taking advantage of natural light are two tricks we can put into practice to spend less.
Teleworking has many advantages, but also some disadvantages. And these are mainly the expenses that the professional faces. When working from home, it is the worker himself who has to face the costs of basic supplies such as electricity or water, for example. This entails an added expense that, perhaps, was not expected from the beginning. Can we do something to save on expenses? The answer is yes.

Is it possible to save on expenses with the rise in electricity prices?
June 1, 2021 is a date that many consumers have firmly in mind. It is just the moment when the new electricity bill came into effect, which meant an increase of almost 50% of the bill.


Simulations by the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) show that electricity bills have risen by almost 50% in the last year.

Thus, the periods in which the charge will be highest will be from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00 from Monday to Friday. Most of these hours are precisely during office hours. On the other hand, the intermediate cost will be from 8:00 to 10:00, from 14:00 to 18:00 and from 22:00 to 24:00 from Monday to Friday.

The cheapest rate will be outside normal working hours, from midnight to 8:00 a.m. on weekdays and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. That begs the question, what can you do to save money if you work from home?

One of the periods in which the charge will be higher is from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

5 tips to save on expenses when working remotely
Saving on expenses is all about good organisation. Even if you work remotely and are at home instead of in the office, it is advisable to have good planning and organisation. In this sense, the first thing to do is to have a work schedule very similar to the one you have in the office in person.

1. Work the same hours as in the office
Teleworking should be adapted to the person. If, for example, someone works eight hours in an office, they should follow the same schedule at home. Being at home does not mean that working hours should be multiplied, since this will result in higher costs, including electricity and resources.

For proper planning , the schedule is essential. It is advisable to follow it in order not to invest thousands of extra resources in work. Likewise, it is also advisable to physically separate the leisure area and the work area to avoid distractions that reduce productivity.

2. Take advantage of natural light
Since the most expensive hours of light are precisely the central hours of work, we must try to use as little electricity as possible. How to achieve this? By choosing the right place to work. It is preferable that it is well lit, since this will result in not having to turn on a lamp. Even if the computer is plugged into the power supply, the expense will be lower if during the central hours of the day you can use natural light. This will allow you to save energy at home and will also be better for your eyesight.

3. Save on air conditioning costs
In the summer and winter months, the problem is multiplied. It is either very hot or very cold. While in the office it is not the employee who has to pay the bills, at home it is, so you have to do everything possible to find an optimal temperature. Maintaining a temperature between 20º and 25º is essential. Temperature plays an essential role in the well-being of the employee so that he can be comfortable and perform better. In addition, it is important to take it into account to save energy.

In this regard, it is advisable to set the heating to around 20º in winter and the air conditioning to 25º, and only when necessary. In summer, you can open the windows at home to let in the breeze, which could avoid using the air conditioning.
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