What do you do to be more sustainable?

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What do you do to be more sustainable?

Post by pappu888 »

Did you know that in 2019, levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases reached record levels? Last year was also the second warmest year on record . This year, with the COVID-19 shutdown, greenhouse gas emissions may fall by 6%. However, emissions are expected to rise again when the global economy starts to improve. What if we could do something to prevent a return to the levels before?

Many of our daily actions contribute to making the general manager email lists world a more sustainable and better place for everyone. You probably already do some of these actions, but it's worth remembering some examples:

According to a survey by OCU , 70% of Spanish consumers admit that they throw away food at home . A good way to avoid wasting so much food is to prepare a shopping list and take home only what we are going to consume. If there is any leftovers, we can save them and reuse them in future recipes.
Avoid packaging whenever you can and prioritize glass over plastic.
Take advantage of natural light whenever you can.
Use LED bulbs: They consume 85% less energy and last 20 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
Reduce the use of private vehicles.

Towards a more just and sustainable society

On the other hand, the health crisis could also cause poverty to increase worldwide, something that has not happened since 1990. In fact, inequalities (social, political and economic) have become greater with the pandemic. All these data, as well as those in the first paragraph of the article, have been extracted from the United Nations SDG page , where we also find the following information:

More than 700 million people, representing 10% of the world's population, live in extreme poverty.
Nearly 800 million people, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, do not have access to electricity.
More than a third of the world's population cannot cook in a clean and safe way.

By the way, do you still not know the meaning of the acronym SDG? If so, you may not be up to date on sustainability or social inclusion, but it's never too late; so keep reading if you want to know more.



The SDGs are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, approved in 2015, and set goals to be met over the next 15 years. These 17 SDGs have to do with climate change, gender equality, poverty eradication, reducing inequalities and green energy , among others. Governments, companies but also each of us have the responsibility to improve in these areas.

What goals are we talking about? Here are some:

Eradicate discrimination and violence against women and girls.
End hunger and malnutrition.
Combat desertification and rehabilitate degraded lands.
Add climate change measures to public policies.
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