Our new “Spam Solver” tweaks your email until it hits the inbox

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Our new “Spam Solver” tweaks your email until it hits the inbox

Post by batasakas »

You’re preparing an email campaign, and you send it to a few of your own test addresses, only to find that it’s going to Spam. What do you do? If you’re like millions of other email marketers, you might try a different Subject line, or you might turn off tracking, or you might take out images, all in a trial-and-error attempt to bypass Gmail’s filters and make it to the Inbox.

his manual trial-and-error process is exhausting — changing your message, then france phone number material sending to your test addresses, then waiting to see where the email lands — this is the least fun part of an email marketer’s job.


Our new Spam Solver automates this process, and reports Inbox vs. Promotions vs. Spam placement across 20 different Gmail and Google Workspace accounts, with different filters in place. You can see how your email campaign performs across a range of accounts that have additional filters from well known spam filters like Barracuda, Symantec, and Sophos. Let’s say across the 20 seed accounts, your email hits 5 Inboxes, 10 Promotions, and 5 Spam folders. Try eliminating images, to see if that helps. That didn’t help much? Try sending just a plain text version of your email.

Keep tweaking your email until you get the Inbox placement rate that you want.

How do you use the Spam Solver?
After you’ve composed your campaign in a regular Gmail Compose window, just click the “Spam Solver” button in the GMass Settings box. That’s it … just one click, and you’re off to the races.
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