What is Sustainable Development?
In exact words it means meeting the needs of investor phone number data without compromising future generations to cause a:

Balancing economic growth
Environmental protection.
Social welfare
Improving people's quality of life
Reduce poverty
Protect the environment
Conserve natural resources for future generations.
You may be interested in: What is Sustainable Development?
What is Sustainable Development?
The future is here! This movement is based on three fundamental pillars: economic, social and environmental, which will be the ways to lead us to a better planet as a society and as individuals.
Economic pillar
Enable fair and equitable economic growth for:
Creating quality jobs
Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship
Promote fair trade and responsible investment.
Social pillar
Guarantees universal access to basic services such as:
Decent housing
Protecting human rights
Gender equity
Strengthening civil society.
Environmental pillar
It focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, as well as the prevention of pollution and climate change. This involves:
Protection of biodiversity.
Sustainable forest management.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Promotion of renewable energy.
Importance of Sustainable Development
If we continue to consume natural resources indiscriminately and pollute the environment, we will end up exhausting them, which will have serious consequences for the future of the planet. For this reason, the United Nations Agenda 2030 is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a global call to action that include 17 goals and 169 specific targets to be achieved by 2030.